The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

A A A A A A A A A A A 3 MONDAY, THE PLAIN 3, DEALER 1971 31 Position Wanted -Female 135 (Continued Rent Rooms, Board (West) 140 Rent Apartments (East) 40 Rent Apartmenis (East) 140 Rent Apartments (East) $40 Rent Apartments (East) 141 Rent Apartments (West) 143 Rent Furnished Apts. (Cast), MAY 27 20 Help Saleswomen LONG hiring F. Ick. tor. 333-2500: real 1 estate 871-4842 sales.

9 Female Instruction Train Now For Jobs Open Now IBM Keypunch Nurse's Aide TRAIN NOW-PAY LATER No age limit, High School not quired. Short, 4 week courses. Day evenings. Fully air conditioned. JOB PLACEMENT ASSISTANCE AUTOMATION ACADEMY Ohio State Reoistration No.

01008 206 CALL NOW 523-1991 KEYPUNCH REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Men and women needed, all aacs, be trained on IBM Key-punch. Train on the latest equipment and methods. No previous experience necessary. High School not required. Registration No.

0118-B. CALL 621-4100. CAREER TRAINING 1110 Euclid PBX RECEPTIONIST REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Women noeded, all to trolned on the 555 Switchboard. NO previous experience Hion School not Registration No. 0118 B.

For your appointment. CALL CARFFR TRAINING 671-4100 30 Position Wanted -Male ACCOUNTANT, degree 20 yrs. all phases, available, 382-8833. ACCOUNTANT, full charge, office manager, Mentor 257-6692. ACCOUNTING or related fleld; full or part time.

Frank, 421-9837. BILLING Clerk, 10 yrs. exp. West." 631-2843 CAR WASH MANAGER, experienced Hydraulic, elecrrical and plumbing. References.

651-7249. CARPENTER, 21 YRS. EXPERIENCE CALL 777-0546 CIVIL engineer. S.I.T. toward would like to work part time P.S.

West Side. Call 886-6127, CLAIMS Trainee: High school, milltary, type, excelent appearance, cager to leorn claim work. Call 231-6043, DATA Processing. 23 yrs. exp.

will install mini or medium size computer systems. Call 232-7412. DRIVER- Road and local, steel, general freight, produce, furniture, references. Over million ml. exp.

352-0096 Painesville area. DRIVER: Shipping clerk or dion, dependable. 249-6089. FACTORY work, age 53, West Side preferred. Call 281-9187.

LANDSCAPE pardener over 20 yrs. EXD. Shaker His. and Cleveland. Desires maintenance work.

751-5387. LAWN MAINTENANCE LAWN maintenance and hedae trimming plus odd lobs. 267-7661, MACHINIST 10 yrs. last lob. 467-9732.

MAINTENANCE. Mechanic, schooling and experience, seeking steady job cast side. Call 486-4822. PAINT-Plaster-Paper and alt odd jobs, lanitor service, experienced, reliable, low rates. 431-5703.

PAINT, plaster paper removed by expert. LOW RATES. 771-0594. PAINTING -Plastering. My labor, your materials, Reasonable.

261-9767. PERCUSSIONIST can teach or sell musical instruments. 221-4001. PRIVATE POLICEMAN, yrs. exp.

References. 561-0515, a.m.-9 p.m. SALES, FULL' TIME, AGE 20. 842-5977. RECEIVING manager.

all types. Age 42. West 221- 2988. SPRING CLEANING Expert cleaning of your home from carpeting, wall-washina, furniture to Free estimate, Call UPJOHN HOME MAKERS, INC. Cleveland, 283-4222 Akron, 836-5528 Mentor.

255-3408 TRUCK driver. Know city. Sober, 10 yrs. experience. 421- 5954.

TRUCK driver, furniture, dump or straight truck, 229-4291. TURRET LATHE. Full or part time. Call between 4-9 p.m 696-2368. TUTOR or teach French.

French born, college graduate. 371-4081. YOUNG man 27, presently employed seeking customer responsible service, office position. Exp. In troffic and distribution.

Free supervision, el. Will relocate. Please call 884-3636. MAN, 21 foundry, boats. past exp.

Available immediCollege expense. 871-5454. COMPLETE lawn core, hedges, spraving trees, 283-8472 or 761-0394. MAN 35 wants apprenticeship in meatcutting or photography. 486-9541.

31 Position Wanted- -Female ACCOUNTANT--OFFICE MGR. Full charge, exp. including taxes. References. East Side.

991-3283 eves. BABY CARE: My home, 631-0210. west, 3 vrs. and up. references.

BABY and child care, my home. GLENVILLE, exp. 761-8502. BABY -HOUSEKEEPERS Available, Your home, all areas, wages you can afford. JOIN NOW.

BABY SITTERS UNLIMITED CO. 932-3054 (anytime) 382-76861 BABYSITTING, my home, vicinWarrensville. Bedford or near suburbs. Will pick up and deliver. Days only.

292-7321. BABY-SITTING: MY home, days, eves. or over night; all ages. Lakewood-Rocky River area. 961-2976.

BABYSITTING; my home, transportation discussed, Pleasant Valley-Broadview area. 524-9638. BABYSITTING, Lakewood area, any age, exp. in my home, 226-3558. Ages 3 to 5, 851-7153.

BABYSITTING: E. Cleveland area. BABYSITTING: Berea, Lechner School, my home; care. 243-6239. BABY-SITTING my home, Brookpark Rd area, $15 wk.

Call my home, any age, shift, off 130 St. 251-1774. BABY -SITTING: Affection and fun: Euclid- Green area. 531-4721. IN MY HOME.

near Kinsman-E. 143 St. 991-0081. vard BABY SITTING, my home, Lee-Hararea; ages 1 yrs. 752-4130.

wood, infants and toddlers. 221-8109. BABY SITTING, my home, LakeBABYSITING, home, 8. a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

6-day week. 249-7040. BABY-SITTING, ex-teacher, my home, W. 106 area. 941-6792 BABYSITTING--my home, 142 Experience.

752-7975. BABY sitting, my home, 5 days. E. 105 area. 851-8866.

BABY SITTING in my home, days or nights. Glenville 268 0506. BABY SITTER. MATURE. 5 DAYS.

961-5119. BABY SITTING, my home, E. 65 area. 341-0156, call anytime. BABY-SITTING, my home, E.

133-Union. Meals, days only. 921-7949. BABY sitter service, by dav or wk. Please call us: 441-1230.

BABY SITTING, my home, eves, E. 79-Kinsmon. 429-0536 after 1.30 p.m. BABY-SITTING, MY HOME, any East Cleveland. 851-6143.

BABY sitting, my home. all aves. weekly. will deliver, 268-4712. BABY -SITTING: My home.

Lakewood, days, experienced. 521-3940. BABYSITTING, my. home, East, pick up and deliver. 751-5365.

BABY SITTING, my home, duys. Ansol Rd. off Superior, $12, 421-7380. BABY SITTER; My horne, Triskett area. 941-8372 after 6 BABYSITTING, my home, birth to 5 west; any hours.

941-2996. BABYSITTING my home, W. 117-De trolt area, call 226-1682. BABYSITTING, my home, any out, Clifton-Baltic area. 631-7814.

BABYSITTING. my home, NobleMonticello area. 291-2153. BABYSITTING, Ironing. my home, Parma Heights, 886-4256.

BABY sitting, my home, west Lakewood, days, references 228-1186. BABYSITTING, my home. experlenced. Broadview State area 661-7201. BABYSIT, my home, Snow Rd.

Parmo, 1 child, 886-0372. BABYSITTER, my home, child. companion for vr. 252-3317. BARYSITTING, my home, Claque Olmsted, 734-4592.

BOOKKEEPER experienced thru trial balance, mature, Prefer 1 girl office. East, 461-4822 after 6. BOOKKEEPER: C.P.A: experience. per hr. 662-3211.

CHILD Day Care, my Excellent rellulous teachina. Clair 268-1517. CHILD core, A-1, references, Southgate, Rockside, area, Pick -up, delivery. 752-6233. CHILD CARE: GARFIELD DAYS MY HOME.

441-3758. CHILD cars, Great Northern are. N. Olmsted. Infants up.

779: 7036. only, Union-5. 125 A 921-2142. CHILD Care: my home. Afternoons CLEAN FOR YOU.


264 2257, DAYWORKERS We have excellent dayworkers available. References screened. Please call US now. SAR LOUIS 405 Hippodre mo Bidu DAYWORK, cleaning, Ironing, Call 5 p.m. EN Next Columns (Continued From Preceding Column) DAYWORK: kwood, north, south or Granada.

292-6927. EFFICIENT, REFERENCES. 881-3505. $16 and fare. 561-8516.

DAYWORK: Cleanina, Wed. or Fri. DAY WORK, West $16 and bus fare. Experienced. side.

281-6031. DAYWORK. West Side, experienced. 391-7226 DAY work, exu, woman with ences, $15, East Side, 283.8168. DAYWORK-Ironing and Cleanino, reterences.

DAYWORK, 701-1539. Ironing. $12 plus cartare, Steady. DAYWORK. or Ironing, reference Call 662 0658.

or 9 DAYWORK, experienced. References. 4 p.m. 991-5365. DAYWORK, exp.

Mon. only. $17 and core fare. 681-5123 after 7 p.m, DAYWORK, references. Call 681-7455.

for wed, and day Sot. 561-6707. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: Dyke College graduate. 662-5258. GENERAL office, mature, with office to mgr.

vicinity. references. lander Chagrin Rd. Bivd. No near shorthund please.

831-5132 Mon. thru Fri. Mornings only. HOUSEKEEPER; COUNTRY CLUB or Davwork. 283-7247.

HOUSEKEEPER. WILL DRIVE. 944-1866 employed parents. days. 295-0626.

INVALID care and or child care for IRONING In my home, pickup and delivery and IRONING: Miles My area. home, 883-7433. A-1. Broadway LAUNDRESS, desires work by the References. 249-9878.

LAUNDRY. hrs. shirts, etc. Shaker. 791-2980.

NURSE licensed practical, or 12 hrs. private duty-total care, osvchlatric, post operative, neurology and recent references. avallable 5-3, car. 752-9597. NURSE wants 8 to 12 hours.

experienced, reference, 249-6171. erences. Call 851-2861. PRACTICAL Nurse, experlenced, RetRECEPTIONIST Neat, attractive. pleasant telephone voice and manners.

Business training for medical receptionist. Downtown west. Experienced. 228-7359. SECRETARY: Girl Friday, mature, college grad.

atternoons. Box AT130, Plain Dealer, SECRETARY, mature, downtown west. Box BC 154, Plain Dealer, office. SECRETARY, Exp'd. girl 252-1111.

friday. 1 girl soles SEMI invalid care In my home. Experienced. 286-9334. SPRING CLEANING Expert cleaning of vour home from car wall-washing, furniture to windows.

Free estimate. Call UPJOHN HOME MAKERS, INC Cleveland, 283-4222 Akron, 836-5528 Mentor, 255-3408 TRANSPORTATION for elderly, days or eves. West, own car, pleasant. 571-5125. TYPING, downtown; IBM electric executive, 661-1788 eves.

TYPING, my home, 5 vrs. legal exp. medical exD. 401-4604. 34 Rent Rooms, Board (East) CANTERBUR' Luke Snore Rm.

for tv, own entrv. IV 1-9425 Cleveland, 3844 Euclid HE 1-4550 LIVE IN THE MOST CONVENIENT NEAR DOWNTOWN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT Rooms and apts. 14.50 week each person for doubles $16 to $25 per week singles NEXT TO NEW SHERATON INN Enjoy the convenience and activity of pleasant living in this bright midtown hotel, residential and entertainment area. Each bath, room phone, is TV, tastetully desk, lounge chairs, ample retrigerette, carpeting, maid, linens and towel service. Building is tireproof, maintained.

Social lounge, coffee. shop, barbershop, bar. Free porking, switchboard, valet shop, sun deck, laundromat, and bus stop at door. THE BELMONT, HE 1-4550 CLEVELAND" Nicely furnished room. bath, near CWRU.

321-4480. CLEVELAND cook, bus, good location. 932-7024 eves. or Sun. CORLETT Room for elderlv man or woman.

Privileges. LO 1-8574 DOWNTOWN WIN $50 A WEEK Pork Free Suites, TV's 1403 Superior E. $18 per wk. 1737 E. 19th St.

$13 per wk. DOWNTOWN: $12 weekly. Clean, Hotel 1935 St. Clair E. CLEVELAND: room, employed ladv.

Near bus and rapid. 681-0152. E. 75, 1878: Sleepina very nice. See custodian, No.

1. 432-3962, E. 75, 1896. Newly decorated room and kitchenette. Near bus.

361-1694. 79-1696: Room with private bath, $12 wk. Call 381-4730. E. 87-Chester: Attractive, front room, employed mature man or on Social Security.

795-6654. 105 area, sleeping rm. in quiet home, reasonable. 795-5141. E.

111: Attractive all privileges, single or couple. SW 1-7890. E. 115 OFF SUPERIOR, NICE SLEEPING RM. AND PRIVILEGES: MATURE LADY.

231-2120. EDDY Rd. Area: Newly decorated. Refined employed ladies only. In quiet neighborhood.

541-1831. EUCLID AT E. 75 881-8700 Large comfortable, beautifully furrooms for retirees or working gentlemen. Attractive weekly rates. QUAD HALL HOTEL GARFIELD Hts.

area: Rm. for working gentleman; references. 641-2035. GARFIELD, surroundinas, Gentleman: 481-0723. neat GARFIELD Nice clean kitchen, both.

Gentleman. 641-2669. LEE HARVARD: Room for middleage mon, home privileges, references. 441-2970 before 8 a.m.- after 10 p.m. SHAKER -KINSMAN: 3rd floor, room and buth.

Rapid. Working man. References. 561-2620 or 561-2633. SHAKER Winslow; rm.

on 3d, working man, 3 min. to rapid. 1-8662. SHAKER: Nice sleeping 3d, for employed gentlemon. 752-2990.

it cooking, references. SK 2-4681. SHAKER Sa. Rapid: Poom and bath. STOCKBRIDGE: FREE PARKING Euclid Reasonable UT 1-2700 WADE Pork, 7607: Room for sinale man, $10 wk.

Parking. 31-6862. MATURE chopnina nice home, pork3135 Bark shire 35 Rent Rooms, Board (West) AIRPORT area, gentleman, duyworker, sober, 234-0594. AIRPORT: Sleeping rooms, efficiency suites. 267-9603.

1114 AUBURN, 2. kitchen furnished. 941-1766 after 5 p.m._ BELLE Detroit: Bus, stores, nice area kitchen, 1-2 men. 221-1370 BEREA: lovely lorge room, private home, gentlerran. Call 236-5561.

Sleeping room, quiet man. 351 6256. BROOKLYN: Room, all privileges, emploved lady. 398-4743 eves. area, gentleman! dayworker, 661-4862.

CLIFTON-W. Furnished room, working lady, kitchen privileces mo. 221-7915. CLIFTON new 31, gentleman no smoking private entry shower, call after 5 p.m. 226-1607.

CLIFTON 17200 Delightful nicely furnished, man. CLIFTON: Nice rm. for gentleman; bus by door, 961-2050. CLIFTON: Nice, large room, TV, shower, man. Call 221-5034.

CLIFTON, large tront privileges, bus, only. 228-7367. CLIFTON: Mon, own entrance, kitchen privileges. 226-3455 CLIFTON, gentlemon, large 15 min. to sq.

226-9989. CLIFTON: Large comfortable private entry, mun, 226-7596. entrance, gentlernan. 661 5468. CLIFTON in larue room, own DENISON W.

25 area; rm. with kitchen for gentleman, 749-6374. portation. 662-1412. IT 81.

Clean, near FAIRVIEW Pork: Sleeping rooms, $10 wk. Call 734-2457. KAMM'5 Corner mun; near bus. 251-4062, 2 to 8 p.m, LAKE wolk In closet, bus, no cooking. 281-0628.

LAKE AVE. 12061: delightful quality horne, mun. Shower. 221-6228. LAKE Employed gentleman; references LAKEWOOD NEWMAN, COZY PRIVILEGES, MAN.

221-5147. N. OLMSTED: Nice, clean room tor emploved Bus at door. 777-6807, PARMA, 7507 exit, off Ridge: Men, parking. 749-4576.

PARMA: Room, private, home for working lady, privileges. PARMA: Room with privote entrance and private shower, 888-1710. PARMA: Mature male. Parking. After 4 p.m., 641-5433.

PARMA; SLEPING ROOM, CLOSE TO BUS. 884-8481. PARMA References, female. 883-1353 PEARL Pike-View Motel, rates. 40 min.

Public Su. 238-9908. ROCKY River Dr. Puritas: Lovely ren. portation, in split tevel home, near wk.

entrance, SCRANTON elderly 3271: large room, own preferred. 351-7124. W. kitchen, 52-1373, own off entrance, Detroit, man. nice room, W.

sober 84, adult. 1422: 237-8369. Clean, own entrance, 112-DETROIT: Kitchen mon, $10. 221-9948 after 6 p.m. W.

170: Near bus and Rapid. Mature employed lady. 267-7674. EL (Continue Next WEST PARK arena: lady: TV, kitchen privileges. 251-0759.

MOTFL 1-9874 Attractive. Parking Reasonable 137 Kent Housekeeping (East) AUDISON, room, kitchenette, private entry, lady. 881-6971. EAST off Superior, 3 rms. on ad, furnished, 229-3104 atter 6.

Security St, oreo, 2 bath, $20 wk. 38 Rent Housekeeping (West) NATCHEZ, 2419; Pleasunt 2 rims. down, utilities, bath. 524-8649. 40 Rent Apartments (East) ANSEL heat, hot water, $72 EV 1-4730.

ARLINGTON, 17320: 3. and steutn heut, ASHBURY: older 3 basem*nt. utilities; adults, BEACHWOOD DeVille Giant 2 and 3-bedroom suites with 2 full baths, all electric kitchens and balconies in a garden atmosphere. Enjoy yourself at the beautiful party room and limousine ser. vice to the rapid transit plus maid service is also available.

Stop in today and allow us to show you around. Conveniently located in Beachwood's finest area at 23305 CHAGRIN BLVD. CORNER OF GREEN AND CHAGRIN DEVILLE EAST LUXURY SUITES air conditioning Utilities included except electricity 1 Bedroom from $158 2 Bedroom from $180 3 Bedrooms from $235 25400 ROCKSIDE ROAD Just East of 1-271 Exit 7 Rental Office 232-5400 OWNER'S MGMT. 439-3800 Tired of look-alike suites? Then' come visit the new DeVille East. It was designed exclusively for the professional man.

Room sizescompare with a big custom home. Sunshine gas kitchens hav an extra dining area with windows. Rentals include garage and heat. Maid and limousine service available. Stop out today--you muse see the DeVille East to fully appreciate it.

1, 2 and 3 Bedrooms from $245 23511 CHAGRIN BLVD. CALL 464-2377 LEASE By BATES SPRINGER, Inc. BEDFORD HEIGHTS Preview Showing Rockside Park Towers Our first building had such tremendous acceptance that we're building a SECOND. The location's great -just 15 minutes from the Turnpike with 1-271 at your door. Only 25 minutes to downtown.

Resort recreation facilities and an indoor pool are rapidly nearing completion. Stop out today while the selection is BIG. Indoor Pool Included in rental All Gos Cooking Appliances by Westinghouse Individually controlled heating and Bedford Heights, Ohio Bear Creek Village CROSSROADS OF CLEVELAND 5999 Bear Creek Dr. 439-3388 Just West of 1-271 at Columbus Rd. Convenient to Southgate Shopping Center, schools, churches and public transportation.

You'll, love the secluded rustic setting on private Bear Creek Dr. Compare our many PLUS" tures including: Extra-large rooms and closets, private party rooms. swimming pools and sun decks. 1-BEDROOM FROM $140 2-BEDROOM, FROM $170 2-BEDROOM, PLUS DEN $225 RENTAL OFFICE OPEN DAILY 12 NOON TO 8 P.M. BEDFORD HTS.

The Meadows 1500 COVENTRY Cor. Superior, 2-bedrm. sulte; on transportation; quiet surroundIngs; immediate occupancy, CRAWFORD 1794: 2-3 rms. Call Mr. Campbell, 721-3457.

DALEBRIDGE, 4756: Emery House. 1-2-3-bedrm, Telerama, $155. 292-6045. "DOWNTOWN. THE CHESTERFIELD Chester at E.

12 Efficiencies, 1-2 Bedrooms Furnished efficiencies available, $225. 25000 ROCKSIDE RD. Convenient, aulet, lust east of Interstate 271, near Rapid, shopping centers, aoif and everything else. One bedroom suites from $145. Twobedroom suites from $170.

Carpetina, balconies, air conditionina, Frigidaire flumeless electric appliances, range self-defrostina refrigerator, dishwasher, disposer; swimming pool, ties program. Visit today 12 to 232-1101. JOHN DAVID MANAGEMENT An Equal Opportunity Co. BUCKEYE E. 86, newly painted child OK, $65 751-4002.

CASPER, 13520: St. Clair neur Havden; etticiences and bedrm. $65- adults. 451-1603. CEDAR stove and 1 refrigeraior, near 4.

rm. shopping, bus. 621-4250. CHURCHILL, 10523: 4-5 rms. decorat.

ed; adults; 842-5220: 229-6105. CLEVELAND 12391 Cedar 3 heat, stove, retria. Laundry rm. $100 per mo, CLEVELAND 3 and newly decorated, steam heat, shopping and bus. 932-4856.

CLEVELAND all utilities, adults, $175. 291-3549. COIT 14225, 4 rooms, 1-bedrm. Appliances. Garage available.

Adults only, 851-3688, 442-5625. COLLINWOOD AREA 4-rm. apt, on 2d floor. $98 mo. 3-rm.

apt. on 3rd floor. $70 mo, Call Mr. Nert, 382-7600. CORLETT 4.

both, newly decorated, adults. 561-0043. E. CLEVELAND FOREST-HILL TERRACE EXCITING NEW HI-RISE FOR SENIOR CITIZENS Applications are now being accepted. This magnificent new hi- rise has been designed exclusively for the well elderly.

Rentals are modest to fit retirement budgets. An FHA sponsored development for Senior Citizens with lovely 1- and 2-bedroom suites. Located on Terrace Rd. 0 opposite Huron hospital and adjacent to Forest Hill Park. SPRING OCCUPANCY Located at 14000 TERRACE ROAD Open Sat.

and Noon 'lit Dark CALL 268-4175 FOR WEEKDAY APPT. ASSOCIATED ESTATES CORP. Open Occupancy E. CLEVELAND, clenct, decorated, immaculate, moture per son only, hout, $72, 681-5515. E.

CLEVECAND, 17014 Woodworth: adults over 30; heat, $40. 795-7661 after mo. will decorate, A 541-7466. CLEVELAND: buth, sas 40, 2182; 3.0 both, Includes utililies. prefer elderly.

391-1752. 45, 1505: OFF SUPERIOR: LARGE BATH. $0. ed, 55, heat, hot water, bida. 5905 Thackery: 5.rms, Adults.

$75. Custodian, 881-0951. E. heat, 65, adults. 2023: 431-4964.

APPLIANCES, E. 71,, 1970 off Euclid; 5 steam heat, hot water, $05; 932-1998, E. 72: rms. UD, front apt. Front porch.

E. 73, 1663: heat, hot water, 77, 16721. AND private bath heut, low Ned (Continued From Preceding Column) 81, gas, $60 mo, Call Mr. Kelth, 795-0108. NORTH: ARMS, QUIET, 461 4989.

82-WADE: PARK: decorated. HEAT, mature adults. 382-1916. E. 83d, 2232: 2d floor, or 5 nice, large rooms, both, newly decorated.

porch, reliable adults. Lmotover reterence. 241 0430. G. 85, 1850, $777 $63.

neat. Adults. 550 88. 771: 31 STEAM HEAT, people. mo.

tor social security 881-1177. 775: $847 215, Heat, appliances. Adults, $51-5958 E. 88, 783: $85, heat, appliances, adults, laundry. 451-9623.

E. 90, off Euclid, near Clinic: or heat furnished. NEWLY DECORATED. 791 5331, E. 90-CHESTER, 1870; 1 or m.

off street parking. 791 0571. 91, 720; and bath. newly decorated, heat. $75 mo.

elevator 93, 1886: bidy. 83 or steam 9d -KINSMAN: St, Clair Eddy Rd. 4 adults. E. 97, 1859: 3 rooms.

1st. reusonable. 231-3535, 229.3991. E. 102-ST.

CLAIR: UD. gas furnace, adults, 321-8757 105, 547: $75; 5 rms. $80; decorated, heat, adults. 681-7283, E. 109.

ST. CLAIR: 4 rms, hot water. porch, 851-2108 E. 110 Superior: 6 3 up, modern UL 932-8760. 112, 1311:3 AND 4 RM.

APTS. 881-1177 E. 115-SUPERIOR: Adults. redecorated 21-suite 3 bidy. $79 appliances, 442-2176.

in quiet E. 119-Kinsman, 5 rms. up, 1-0274 120 ST. CLAIR-ADULTS Beautiful decorated 3-4 modern new kitchen, appliances incinerator. tine aulet building.

$95 UD 442-2176. EDDY RD 845: 3'2 HEAT, ADULTS, 851-9394. EUCLID EUCLID PREVIEW THE WATERGATE EXCLUSIVE LIVING for 26151 LAKE SHORE BLVD. PHONE 261-3547 Open Daily and Sun. 11 'til Dark Here is the hi-rise to top all hi rise apartments, New models are being shown daily.

Every suite in the building enjoys a magnificent Lake view. Take your choice of any suite in the building. The WATERGATE will soon be the most talked about hi-rise in town. Popular low rentals. Lake and shoreline view Indoor -outdoor swimming pool Exercise room -saunas Luxurious recreations Dramatic balconies Hotpoint appliances Sunshine gas ranges ASSOCIATED ESTATES CORP.

Open Occupancy EUCLID THE AMERICANA Offers fantastic values on and 3-bedroom suites. FROM $171 MONTH Nothing tops the AMERICANA when it comes to luxurious resort living! There are indoor and outdoor pools, two giant recreation lounges, game rooms, sauna baths and more. Suites are beautifully designed with loads of space! All this with a magnificent lake view. Downtown Cleveland is just 20 minutes away via the Lakeland Freeway. Public transportation at you front door.

If you're looking for the best buy in town for your rental dollar, see the AMERICANA today. Hurrysuites will go fast. 5 24451 (1-bedroom LAKE suites SHORE from BLVD. $150) Open daily, Sat. Sun.

12 a.m.-6 p.m. Call 261-8844 Associated Estates Corp. Open Occupancy Custom Designed EXECUTIVE PENTHOUSE A one a of-a-kind suite at Euclid's Americana 2,400 square feet of ling area. Elegantly appointed with wood burning fireplace, complete hi fi stereo system with 10-speaker intercom, balcony off kitchen, living and dining rooms with lakefront view, 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, executive den, custom wall covering throughout. Has its own private laundry and individually controlled 5-ton central air conditioning system.

Shown by appointment only. Call 261-8844. EUCLID, OHIO Greenridge Estates .122140 EUCLID AVE. 486-11215 Conveniently located, minutes from downtown, shopping and public transportation. Compare many "QUALITY" rooms and closets, individually conheat; trolled central our conditioning and fully carpeted.


FIRST SHOWING Cuclid's newest hi rise has opened its doors. Spacious suites are fully carpeted and air conditioned. Kitchens teature modern gas ranges, recreation facilities include a beautiful: lounge and swimming pool. Shopping center within walking distance. Open Daily, Sat.

Sun. 12-6 p.m. 25400 EUCLID AVENUE CALL 731-0700 Suites from $141 Owner Managed By Associates Estates Corp. EUCLID feel COLD COAST EAST We the family unit most Important We make it easier tor 'the 'in our large beautiful 3 bedroom suites. and 2 bedrooms suites also available.

Call or stop tor details at: HORIZON HOUSE EUCLID AREA, 26680 TUNGSTEN HEAT, AIR. CONDITIONING, CARPETING, CUSTODIAN. 281-1968. EUCLID 3711 Studio apartment, heat, elevator, Convenient to downtown. 361-0618 or 464-2282.

20150: and 2-bedrm spacious, air conditioned, soundproof, pool. 481-2765 or 944-6755. EUCLID-Noble. mature adults, stove, heat, gas. $85- $95.

541-5891, 382-1164, EUCLID Noble, modern, 2-bedrm. suite, electric kitchen, carpeting. heat, olr conditioned. $165. 381-4730.

4 rooms. Steam heat. No pets. 541-3766 or 249-9811. HOME 7702: adults only; no pets 391-1512.

KINSMAN 11618; 5 rms. newly decorated. $86, no children. 721-7050. KINSMAN near Shaker; 5-rms.

UD. adults only. 751-0907; 561-0326. LAKE Shore-E. available 140, May area, 1.

5. 261-8967. 2 LAKE Shore Blvd. 17745. 2 bedrooms.

adults, $150 mo. 531 8319. LAKEVIEW 1150: 5 NICE RMS. $75; BAsem*nT SUITE, ALL UTILITIES, $65; 268-5070. LAKEVIEW, 860: clean, ADC 2 children, heat, $85.

451-9223. LAKEVIEW, 876, 3 nice $50. decorated, bus, 6 rms. $80. 381-6615.

Clair, 5 bath. Call 541-4764 after 5:30. LAKEVIEW DECORATE. 880; 5 $70. rms.

UL and 1-6145. bath: LEE 10707 (otf E. newly decorated; heat; adults only: no pets; $125. 881-1177. LINN 888: 3 heat, redec.

orated. Nice. $70. 268-4859. LINWOOD, 5808: 4V2 rooms, decorated, children.

$60. 752-1228, 431-9506. LYNDHURST GRAND OPENING SHERRI PARK SUNSHINE GAS KITCHENS MAYFIELD HEIGHTS GATES MILLS TOWERS LYNDHURST'S EXCLUSIVE NEW ADULT HI-RISE WITH POPULAR LOW RENTALS! A refreshing change of pace from most hi-rise apartments! Please excuse our construction but the demand has been so great that we have opened our model suite for your wooded viewing. setting You'll love giant the room secluded your list. Carefully compare Its many quality and you'll see why its currently leasing at a record Call 461-7789 or 321-5163 1-BEDROOM $180 2-BEDROOM FROM $255 Located on Cedar lust West of Brainard and 1-271 Open Sat.

and Sun. Noon to 6 Daily Noon to 6 6801-9 MAYFIELD ROAD Just East Eastgate Shopping there's still plenty of construction going on but the demand to see Gates Mills Towers Newest Building has been so great that we are holding special "Peek Prevlews!" See the newest, most modern apartment anywhere! Recreation, facilities rival tine starting resort. at Rentals are modest $159 per mo. Eniov spectacular view of the Chagrin River Valley, 30 minutes to downtown. shopping centers within walking distance.

Dramatic sunken livina rooms in many suites, 1-BEDROOM SUITES, 2-BEDROOM SUITES. SPLIT LEVEL FROM. $225 liv-3-BEDROOM SUITES FROM $300 461-4660 OR 449-6565 HOTPOINT ELECTRIC KITCHENS Sunday 12 Til 6 Open Model Weekdays, 12 to 6 p.m. Suites Furnished by Morgan Hershman Furniture and Tom Sinks Furniture Owner managed by Associated Estates Corp. MAYFIELD HEIGHTS MARSOL TOWERS MENTOR DEEPWOOD 6503 Marsol Rd.

Walking distance to Eastgate and Golden Shopping Centers. New High Rise Apartments available for immediate 2 occupancy. 1-bedroom from bedroms from bedrooms from Open dally 8 p.m. 449-5800 or 881-0080. Furnished apartments available.

JOHN DAVID MANAGEMENT An Equal Opportunity Co. suites DEEPWOOD plus private 2 garages and 3 bedrooms Also enjoy the recreation facilities Swimming pool, plus tennis court and club house now completed! DEEPWOOD DEEPWOOD BLVD. off APARTMENTS RI. 84 on near RI. 306 via 1-90 in Mentor.

946-6050 Open 12 till 7 p.m.| MENTOR MENTOR MEADOWLAWN LUXURY TOWNHOUSES and and 3 bedroom ugrden apartments 12 4-bedroom Townhouses, Open 'tit 7 ur by appointment, Coll or drivo tuctuv. Located of off Mentor, Ave. In Mentor. Just east Mountain Ril. MIL VERTON 14315; ropid, rms.

working automatic steam laundry. a 751-7925. MIDDLE 1720, rooms, 1st adults. reasonable. NOBLE carpet, oir condition.

851 1912. PARKGATE, 10417: 4 heat. $75. 1038 E. 105.

932 6826, RICHMOND HTS. HILLBROOK APARTMENTS heat; decorated; no pets. 229-6506. RICHMOND PARK APARTMENTS 1-2-3 Bedrooms, recreation center: elevotors, ultramodern appliances. 261-4611 261-1672 SHAKER KEMPER HOUSE 2555 Kemper Rd.

A bedroom apt, and den, baths, electric kitchen, full air conditioned. Headed and all utilities Included. Beautiful wall-to-wall carpeting and drapes. $250 per mo. Mrs.

Vucich, RA 1-3940. SHAKER BLVD. crutor, carpeting, $125 mo. 944-0144. Spacious 1-bedroom stove retria SHAKER SQUARE AREA air Large one conditioned, efficiency, carpeted.

garage, Call tor appointment. SHAKER, 3363 Warrensville Center: and 2-bedroom opt. "Homey" layout. Carpeting. Utilities.

BEST VALUE 751 2040 SHAKER S. Moreland. spaclous decorated, heat, garage, $120. Adults, references. FA 1-1922.

SHAKL HTS. 2525 KEMPER RD. and 2-bedroom Adults only Leasing 861-0030 SHAKER Heights luaury apartment. Call EV 1-3338. rooms, tile bath.

References. Apt. 3. SHAKER Square: 2911 E. 128.

3 SOUTH East, 4 rooms. newly decorated. 641-5901. WADE PARK, 7519: 3-5 large clean mo. 881-6141.

WARRENSVILLE HTS. CLARKWOOD GRANADA GARDENS Townhouses, garden appartments and HI-Rise suites from $150. Complete recreational facilities. 475-2741. WILLOUGHBY PINE RIDGE VALLEY Mid-rise.

Close to 1-90 and 1-271. 2- and 3-bedroom suites, dishwasher and large closets. Qulet suburban area. 944-5371. WILLOUGHBY: Will sublet air condibedrooms, 2 baths, stove, dishwasher, out -door pool.

Close to $225 mo. Mrs. Bates, 944-7200. WILLOWICK Willowick Towers 31900 N. Marginal and 2-bedroom suites available.

Only 20 minutes from downtown Cleveland. Starting from $158. Open 1-6 Daily 944-0217 or 238-4458 WOODHILL, 4 rooms, newly decorated, adults only $75 mo. 791-3877. WOODWARD, 9908: 2 and 3 Only $220 for a lovely 3-bedroom suite.

Here's an apartment munity that's really different yet rentals are amazingly low. Acres and acres of scenic grounds give RICHMOND PARK a wonderful park-like atmosphere. INDOOR and OUTDOOR POOLS TENNIS COURTS PICNIC GROUNDS SAUNA EXERCISE ROOMS INDOOR PARKING SUNSHINE GAS RANGES CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING Convenient Shopping Including Beauty Shop and Dry Cleaner Located at 27515 HIGHLAND RD. Just East of Richmond Rd. 1 AND 2 BEDROOMS FROM $150 Model Suites open Daily 12-6 p.m.

Sunday 12-6, Sat. 12-6 P.M., CALL 461-3733 ASSOCIATED ESTATES CORP. Open Occupancy CAMBRIDGE COLONY APARTMENTS in rental. LARGE 3-BEDROOM SUITES FROM $225 292-6211 FOR INFORMATION INQUIRE AT 4724 DALEBRIDGE RD. Complete suite air conditioning, effective soundprooting between suites, locked building entrances.

All suites fully carpeted Ceramic tile baths. Hardwick eve level gas ranges (we pay als, fuel). Large pool, refrigerators, disposall utilities swimming except electricity Bar-B-Q areas, included TOWNHOUSES 3-BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE, $195: bedrooms, bath up, living room, kitchen, bath, laundry room Own air conditioning and heat. Locat: ed in Northfield, 1 mile west of old Rt. 8 on RI.

82 or 4 miles east Brecksville Square on RT. 82. 467-4531. NORTHFIELD VILLAGE Leasing modern and 2-bedroom apts. Air conditioned, central heating, stores, carpeting, freeway.

garage, 467-6575: pool. Near 467-8742. school. CERTIFIED MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS REALTOR 486-1020 SELECT APT. RENTALS Consolidated Management 991-7000 SPRING SHOWING BRAND FOR NEW IMMEDIATE APARTMENTS OCCUPANCY An oasis of privacy away from the hub.

bub of noise and traffic of a big'city. Open from em. to 7 pm. Mon. Sat.

11 a m. to in. Sun. J2 30 to 5 p.m. Appt.

Anytime. Call 653-2225 collect 1 2-3-bedroom suites from $220 to $430 including heat turn east off Route 8 (Northlield Rd.) at 303, just south of Ohio Turnpike (Exit 12). Look for apart. ment across from Hudson Plaza Shopping Canter. 79 Atterbury Hudson, Ohio Versailles at.

Hudson Resident Manager, Mrs. Jean Mack. Suite PREVIEW SHOWING rhapsody of pleasant I BLOSSOM living VILLAGE DIRECTIONS: Take Akron- Cleveland State Route 8 to Route 532 AI MA (Wyonu Lake Roud) which AGE. is approximately midway 10 between Akron and Cleveland. Follow: the signs to BLOSSOM VILLAGE.

Open occupancy. OPEN 12 NOON TO 8 P.M. Phonc: 928-2748 I- MARLBORO HOUSE EUCLID, NEAR LEE MODERN BUILDING ing. drones, heat and nor king IncludAir conditioned, sink Al. Euclid, Ave.

bus slows in tront. near ranid transit. 15 minutes to downtown. minutes from University 1 Bedroom Suite, $135 114815-35 EUCLID AVE. GEORGETOWN GEORGETOWN OF THE HIGHLANDS Townhouse and warden apartment community: 1, 2, 3 bedroums.

Private entry. patio, pool, party house, guest suite, curpeting, OF LYNDHURST Attractive Colonial Community cludes one bedroom garden closet and storage space. Full carpetments, with large rooms, plenty Ing, private patio and balcony, swim. ming pool, playground, party house and quest suite. Rent from $190.

Cedar Rd. o1 1-271. Phone 461 0144. furnished apartments als from $190. 2110 Highland Rd.

Phone 486 9284. 41 Rent Apartments (West) AIRPORT -Metropolitan Park area: 3. or 4-bedroom ranch duplex, Incinerater, air conditioned. Barances, full basem*nt, no work. fully carpeted, drapes, Lease.

734-2944. alr. Carpeted. 752-5694 eves. room, $135.

Decorated. I Appliances, BELLAIRE 10721: Modern 2-bedBOSWORTH, 3688 QUIET RESIDENTIAL AREA newly decorated, appliances, heat, carpeting; shopping, transportation. Lease, $125. 671-4372. 30SWORTH-St.

Marks: Efficiency apt. heat, appliances, air; adults. 845-4981. BROOK PARK -BEREA AREA ACADIAN LAKE 21480 Sheldon Rd. CLARK-W.

25: bath, completely repainted opt. Real nice. Electric, gas included. $85. 621-5754.

CLEVELAND WEST CHATEAU 10301 LAKE RD. The Gold Coast's most luxurious Indoor swimming pool Party room Saunas baths Underground garage Furnished Suites Avaklable Giant 2-bedroom suites only $240. Call 281-1968 or 439-3800 (office). 234-9384 234-1859 NEW APARTMENT RESORT 2 BEDROOM APTS. $148.50 to $169.50.

Country Club recreation facilities cluding swimming pool. sun deck. sauna heat baths, exercise room, rec. room, Wooded traist, boating. Its the "Talk of Cleveland.

d. price 13 RIGHT, too. Suites are fully conditioned, disposals, dishwashers. studio ceilings, balconies. storage space, garages.

Take Rocky River. Freeway--south turn 2 traffic RIGHT Sheldon past AirRd. (at Sunoca Station). CENTER Ridge 24992; 2 bedrooms, carpet, pool, heat, garage. No children or pets, $175.

871-2666. Open daily OWNERS LAKEWOOD Commodore Club Apt. 18915 DETROIT EXT. 1-Bedroom Apt. MANAGEMENT CO.

CLEVELAND, 2711 ADULTS. W. 14: 5 rooms with heat, $90. See Mrs. Willard, 4-7 p.m., 771-2569.

CLIFTON, 15126, 55 Bus. 226-7892. MAYFLOWER APTS. By appt. only.

heat, appliances, 1 adult. $135. Adults. 631-9694. CLIFTON, 14811: 2 bedrooms, heat, DENISON: 2 clean, older lady.

661-3299 after 2 p.m. DETROIT-7918. Lovely rms. across St. Johns.

Adult. $65. ME 1-1231. DETROIT Westlake, 2-3 completely carpeted, stove, air -conditioned. $190.

871-8413. DETROIT, 6804: 5 rooms. clean. Adults only. 281-0102.

DETROIT-W. 111: 4 appliances, heat, $90. Adults, 381-5158. EDGEWATER, 12039: heat, elevator, appliances. 226-8941.

FAIRVEIW PARK: 3 bedrooms. GE appliances, $175. 333-2985. FULTON: 5 large, utilities. $110.

After 6 p.m. 361-0341. GOLD Coast, Edgewater 2 bedrm. apt. NEWLY decorated; carpeted, heat, $175.

521-7774. KAMMS, 1 bedroom, appliances, car. peting, air, 331-3179 or 871-3146. LAKE doe large 1-bedrm. balcony, garage.

$150. 321-2199. LAKE, 8011: 5 rms. 1st, fireplace, heat, $110. 651-7421; 631-3705.

Outstanding location overlooking Metropolitan Park. Hi-rise, air conditioned, elevator, pool. 228-0339. LAKEWOOD, Clifton area near W. 117th St.

Newer garden-type apartments. carpeting, air conditioning. Full size pool, parking spaces or garages. Lowest rental prices In this area, starting ut $125, per month. For appointment inspect, call Mr.

Brown, Superintendent at 228-2245. LAKEWOOD MAYFAIR APTS. 18645 DETROIT WHEN AVAILABLE Efficiency, 1 and 2-bedroom suites. Hi-rise, pool, heated garage, ample purking; bus at door. 226-2283.

LAKEWOOD, Atkins 2021: 4-rm. front suite (1 bedroom) in well maintained near shoppina and bus. Heat, stove, refrigerator. Adults. $110, 221-0268.

LAKEWOOD-Clifton; large 2-bedrm, redecorated, carpeting, appliances, heat $160 eves. 521-7029. LAKEWOOD, newer stove, air conditioned, heat, corpet, drapes, $115. AC 6-4188, LAKEWOOD, 12721 Plover: 4 rms. up, heat, hot water; I child.

$105 mo. Deposit required. 661-3247. LAKEWOOD, Bunts: 1 ances, heat; adults, no pels. 228-7179, LAKEWOOD, 1389 GIEL RM, $90.

MO. 228-3813. LAKEWOOD, 1 carpeting, air conditioning, appliances, 221-8648. LAKEWOOD: 1673 Mars: attractive sulle, udults. 226-2129.

LAKEWOOD: 4 suite carpeted, stove, adults. 221-1194. LAKEWOOD, 11857 Clifton: 4 large heat. adults, $135. 228-7420.

LAKEWOOD 2nd. floor, 2 bedrooms; child, no pets; deposit. 22.1-3094. pay own heat, 221-2240. LORETTA, 9709, stove, reLORAIN-W.

159: 1-bedrm. apt, availoble May 1. Older man or older woman or older couple. 941-9542. ORATED Up, $70; no pets.

885-2636. LORAIN, 7926: 4 buth, REDECMADISON-WEST 5 rms. parking, adults only. No pets, 861 0393 or eves. 751-7121.

MADISON: 4 heat, appliances, adults, $98. AC MIDDLEBURG HEIGHTS THE ISLANDER Offers choice 1 2 bedroom suites PLUS RESORT RECREATION FACILITIES We challenge you to find a finer apartment value anywhor*. See our exciting new recreation building with Indoor Pool, Saunas, Game Rooms, fireside Lounge and Party Room. Beautifully designed sultes are clustered around a private lake. Free garage Included in rental.

Model open Sunday, 12-6 p.m. dally 1-6 p.m. Located off Pearl Rt. 42 at intersection of 1-71 betwoun Sprague and Webster a just 15 minutes to downtown via 1-71. from $155.



From Preceding Column! NORTH Air conditioned. carpeted. den upte. rooms. Walking distanco to Lorain shopping.

transportation, First and second floor guilts Storting ol $140. Pool, pollo. Call 777-4021. ROYALTON: 2 fir adults only: $200 month. 524 or PARMA Towers Grand Opening AT LUXURIOUS NEW REGENCY TOWERS Magnificent hi- rise living Just 5 minutes from Parmatown.

Live high on a hill surrounded by scenic woodlands. Central air conditioned suites include every feature imaginable-YLT RENTALS ARE UNBE. LIEVABLY low! Recreation facilities include a swimming pool, sauna baths, exercise room and more. Suites are spacious with balconies, extra eating area in kitchen, Westinghouse appliances. Stop out today and see why it's renting at a record pace.

Another Fred Rzepka development. Models open daily 11 a.m. 'til dark. 1-bedroom $170 2-bedroom from $193 3-bedroom from $252 6841 DAY DRIVE, PARMA Call 845-4841 or 439-3800 PARMA PLEASANT LAKE'S MANOR HOUSE 2-Bedroom suites from $178 Call 845-0300 Open Daily 1-6, Sunday Noon-6 P.M. Located on York Road lust south of EXCLUSIVE LIVING for PETS ADULTS ONLY! AT VERY MODEST RENTALS A lovely hi-rise building reserved exclusively for adults and pets (miniature breeds) ONLY! Overlooks a scenic private lake with acres of grounds! Perfectly located in PARMA.

Put FIDO "up to her nose in the good life. "Select a choice suite today. The price is right -from only $178 monthl I I Pleasant Valley. Western Reserve Property Mgmt. PARMA PLEASANT LAKE APTS.

IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Everything you could ask for In apartment living from a gorgeous, natural setting overlooking private lake with wild ducks and geese, clubhouses, recreational facilities include 2 pools, tennis courts, baseball diamonds. CTS express bus to downtown. Near public and parochial! schools and Parmatown Shopping Center. Open daily 1-6, Sun. 12-6.

Located on York lust south of Pleasant Valley Rd. In Parma. 1-bedroom suites $140 to $155 2-bedroom suites $170 to $195.50 CALL 845-0300 6235 Stumph 2- from $150 to $170; appliances. Heat and cooking gas included. RIDGE Rd.

area: 412 bath, up; newly decorated, carpeting, air conditioning, appliances; $160 mo. 888-5578. RIDGE Efficiency, stove. carpet $85 mo. 886-3313.

ROCKY RIVER BEACHCLIFF PLACE Swimming pool, party room, air 'conditioning, dishwasher, disposal, carpeting. Only 20 minutes to downtown. Extra large suites. BEAUTIFUL large one, two and three-bedroom suites available. Open Daily, 22455 Lake Rd.

331-4507 SHEFFIELD LAKE LAKESIDE TEN 5115 LAKE RD. Efficiency from $140, 1-bedroom from $160 and up. Apartment includes carpeting, drapes and ALL UTILITIES. Call Mrs. Foster at 1-949-5353.

TRISKETT RD. 1 At W. 144th. 1 and 2 bedrooms, from $135. in a.m.

or 671-8604 after 1. TRISKETT. 15285, suite 3, large 1- bedrm. in beautiful 6-suiter, 5 closets, garage near Rapid. 941-5230.

per mo. 351-8074. pool -garage, all appliances, $140 VALLEY; Broodview area: 1-bedroom WEST Blvd. -Detroit, near rapid: Efficiency and elevator, cdults. No pets.

961-3587, WESTLAKE IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY 2-bedroom suite with baths on 4th floor. $210. Call 871-7319 or 932-2992. 27843 Detorit Westlake, Ohio W. 25, 2999: one block north of Clark.

rooms, tile bath, heat and hot water included. Adults only. $69. See custodian, Suite 2 or call 749-0600. W.

54-3234, 5ums. and bath, $100 mo. Including heat. Adults only 237-6939. W.

85. 2-bedrm. up, 1 child, utilities, $50 deposit. 651-7759. W.

101, 1414: 1-bedroom suites; CTS, rapid at door. Call 621-4388 or 631-6953. WILLARD-96: 4 rms. all utilities, $140, no 942-4941, after 6. COVENTRY TOWERS 11883 Pearl Rd.

Strongsville 2- and 3-bedroom suites available. We offer extra large suites. Ideally located to either 1-71 or turnpike. Open daily 10-6, 1-6. 238-4458.

OWNERS MANAGEMENT FINE RENTALS 439-3800 CHORIZON Brookpark WEST Rd. APARTMENT 777-3836 43 Rent Furnished Apts. (East) ANSEL Clair: A nice 2 free utilities. 464-0609. BEDFORD: New living kitchenette, carpeted, air utilities, weekly rate.

232-5380. BRATENAHL LAKE SHORE 14014 LAKE SHORE BLVD. CLEVELAND'S BEST Attractive efficiency in one of the city's best locations. Plenty of closet space. CTS From stop $33.50 at door.

WEEKLY Free Utilities and Parking 531-7851 486-5938 mo. 524-2033 01 or 883-1592. BROADWAY-FLEET, 2 rms. up, heat CASE WRU hospitals: 3 all utilities $90 2-rm efficiency, $80. YE 2-1998; CHESTER-E.

66: 1-rm. and bath, $10; 3 rms. and private bath, $20; 5 rms. ed; and private washer, both, dryer; $25; i or 2 newly adults only. CLEVELAND, NEAR DOWNTOWN EMBASSY APTS.

Efficiency 2. and 3-room apts. $19.50 wk. Including all utilities Free rated suites, parking, nice tree modern TV, nicely furniture, deco Popular newly built-up area Only a few steps from bus stop. Come see! You'll be pleased! 4311 Prospect HE 1-1430 CLEVELAND NEAR DOWNTOWN Apts, und rooms.

more pleasant and no more expensive living in a good residential hotel. Phone, muld, Onens, TV, porking. $15 to $30.50 wk. Belmont 3844 Euclid HE 1-4550 CLEVELAND: 1809 Crawford ed, utilities, elovator 795-1573. furnished newly decorate bath, adults.

CLEVELAND HTS, 3 rms utilitics Garaue, gentleman CRAWFORD 1794: 2-3 rms. Call Mr. Campbell. E. own entry, porking, Terrace: as Very CLEVELAND near Runid, 3 rma.

E. 18, 2171: Victory rooms. a 75, a 21- $70 $24 ADC; 801 5986. 79 1676: 3 oil utilities. Crosstown bus, 82, 1822-26 SW 5-5894 3 room live front In not for those who need town want euloy reully $24.40 Includes off uttfiles.

Nicely decorate ad, Gnod furniture 1830: A adults only. C. A furnished 175 EUCLID: furnished For p.m, Next Next WHY NOT THE VERY BEST? STOCKBRIDGE APT. HOILL ROOMS TRANSIENTS--PERMANENTS furnished, maid service. free parking, 24 hr.

security. Reasonable. Dignitied hanpy living. I.fficiences DO WM. H.

WOOLSON, MGR. 3128 Furlid Lobby TV UT 1-2700 EUCLID, 13441 ADULTS EFFICIENCY AND 1-BEDRM. SUITES Transportation- Shopping EUCLID 7711 ond nicely and decorated, tree park. Ina: elevator, oll utilities Included. From $90 $23,50 per wk, See Mrs.

Douglys. Euclid, E. 107: No children, $85 up. 229-4888, FUCLID, 7338, 1-2 berms. adults.

Mrs. Hammonds, 432-3526. EUCLID, 16900, rms. 486-7838 15720: 2 bath, Parking. Li 1-9509 alter 12.

GRIEN, LGE. 3 RM. POOL, PARKING, EV 1-4363. 3 rooms, oll utilities. 441-3387 or 467-7288.

HARVARD-E. 64, alr, conditioned, garage, male, lease $80, LAKEVIEW Nice 3-rooms, utilifles, parking, $24 wk: 268-0342, LEXINGTON, 5800; redecorated $12 and $15. YE 2-3593. MAYFIELD 11919: 3 bath. 2d floor, NOBLE: decorated, heat.

Clean only. $135. 761-0304. CLAIR 16502. 3 rooms near Viking Steel, Cerro Copper Mills and Fisher Body.

Adults only, $25 week. IV 0-9773. EX 1-4838. ST. CLAIR-E.

65: 3 rms. up, washerdrver, $18 wk. 431-1264. SHAKER Sub-let 2-bedroom opt. for vr.

or longer. 371-0325 or 321 6135. SHAKER SQUARE 13401 WOODLAND RD. CO-L-L-EG-E O-N-L-Y 781-0519 961-5654 SHAKER 5 rooms, 2 bedrooms. 11 or furnished.

after 5, $375. 932-6032. Lease. SHAKER E. 128, 3.

twin beds, references. Apt, WHITTIER, 5609: rms. $18.50 mo. 431-6672. WILLOUGHBY: 2 carpeting, redecorated, utilities.

951-3441, FOREST PARK and TERRACE PARK HI- Rise Luxury at low cost Apartment Living 432-1127 NEAR Broadway rooms furnished, decorated. 681-4500. 44 Rent Furnished Apts. (West) BOSWORTH, 3634: 3 Durking. adults.

252-3454. 41; 3 and bath, clean, utilities pold, deposit 671-8324. BRIDGE, 3813: 3 rooms. bath, utilities, down. $20 wk.

281-1531. BROADVIEW-PEARL: 3 661-9701 PARK-BEREA ACADIAN LAKE 21480 SHELDON RD. 234-9384 1 BEDROOM APT. $169.50 243-7799 234-1859 2-BEDROOM $179.50 TO $209.50 The most beautiful suites, in Cleve land, new Includes dishwasher, disposal, Sauna bath and swimming pool. Take Rocky, Freeway-South 2 traffic lights past Airport and turn RIGHT on Sheldon Rd.

(at Sunoca CLARK 3 PRIVATE BATH, 884-7739. CLEVELAND WEST 4041 ROCKY RIVER New air conditioned nice new furniture, gorgeously Ottr pic parking, free carport. An apt. you'll be proud of. includes all utilities except electricity.

No tease required. CLIFTON BLVD. W. 111 CLIFTON MANOR Efficiency and 1-bedroom, tastetully with heat, electric and ads included, tree linen service, telephone switchboard service. "NO LEASE, NO SECURITY ONE MONTH MINIMUM STAY 281-9865 CLIFTON 11212 New elevator bido.

tastefully nished, carpeted, heat parking, efficiency. $150 up; 1 $185. No. 55 bus. 631-7571, 291-8082, CLIFTON, 14814: 3 utilities: 228-7682 CLIFTON, 13468, UTILITIES.

521-5075. CYPRESS Ave. 3404, Immaculate rms. and bath, utilities Included, private entrance, own washer and dryer, references, lease and security deposit required, others need not apply. mature DENISON, 1815: 3 clean quiet man, bus.

$25 wk. 341-6115. DETROIT. 8611: now carpet, air conditioned, $135. 651-8576.

DUDLEY 2 partially furnished suites. utilities Included. 235-3445. utifities, FAIRVIEW: rms. fine location, lease, $140-1 person) $150-2 people.

235-3211. FRANKLIN, 3 up, nearly new furniture, adults. 281-6019, 281-2985. FRANKLIN, 4503, 3 and 4 rms. $15 and up.

281-4296. FRANKLIN, 5605: 2-3-6 rms. $14 and Up. 281-8495. FRANKLIN, 4210: 2 single or couple.

661-2328. FRANKLIN 471h: rms. down, bath down. Utilities, 221-2839. HERMAN 5410, 3-4.

utilities. kids. 281-4924, 749-4576. JOHN 4211: 3 private entrance, adults only Bus. OL 1-1209.

KAMMS Corner, 3 rooms 2d, man. share bath, parking. 671-6758. LAKE 10915 S.I-N-G-L-E G- O-N-L-Y 781-0519 961-5654 LAKE-W. 115: 3 large rms.

and bath: redecorated, nicely turnished, parking, all utilites, $135; 1 person ferred. 281-8082. LAKE, 12037: Apts. for single adults: large 1-2 free parking. LAKEWOOD, off Clifton Gold Coast area near W.

117th garden-type carpeting, built-ins, air conditioning. Full size pool, parking spuces or garaucs. Must be 0 one vcar lease. For appointment to Inspect, call Mr. Brown, Superintendent at 228-2245.

LAKEWOOD: 1 bedrm, large living rm. adults. $110. 526-5324. LITERARY 3-4 large utili.

ties, kids. 781-7318; 749-4576. MADISON, 8505: 3 rms. newly uted, paid utilities. 236-3809.

MEDINA NEW DELUXE and 2-bedroom suites ready tor spring leasing. Model suite open daily, Sat. and Sun; Coll Medina 1-725-7126. NEWARK 3721: 4 nice rms. Un.

Utilities, adults; no pets. 961-8130. PARMA: efficiency, private entrance. $20 wk. Sinale.

885-3580. PARMA: eliciency private entrance; man. SH 1-6526. ROCKY RIVER 4005-4015- rooms, new Danish furniture. Air conditioned.

New bldg. No Icase required. $169.50. 671-7985. WEST 4 1 bath, near rapid.

651 5358, 321 5319. W. 7: rms. up, 2 children; washer. dryer: fenceed yard.

781-1181. W. 2117 near Abby, 3 rooms up, utilities, $22 week, 25, clean Infant, parking, Laundry. 771-3285, W. 25, BUS STOP: PARKING.

749-3020; 888-1460. W. 30th rms. bath up, very clean, small child. Call 741-0526.

32, 1970: FURNISHED 4 rmt, bedrms. W. 45: 2081, 3 $20 per $70 deposit. 941-8359 or 808-5129. W.

54, 3234: 2. rm. efficiency, $83. Man only. 237-6939.

W. 60, 4 rms. both, Own entrance, couple, utilities. W. 85-DETROIT: 1-bedrin, suite, ties, clean, $25 Vid wk.

281-2397, after 5. W. 110, 1442: EFFICIENCY APT. $100 MO. 226 6495.

W. a lulls, near 3 rooms, bath, aarone. tunid. 395. 671 WILLARD 96: I sulte, utili.

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The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.