The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

I i w. 1. 1 i ye" NEW ORLEANS. UNAY MOKNINU, APRIIs 6, lg5. ra Mmn OrfesbT ft Macaulay, 65 Tehoupitoula j.

i e. street, offer for sale invoices oi nonr, uam. See advertisem*nt. Naval Stores, fcc Altred Kearny, Magaiine street, offers for sale large supplies of naval stores. and a great variety of other mercnanuiso.

ocjouvoi tisem*nts Electro Plated Ware. The electro plated ware ramrod bv Messrs. Christoffe It Co and offered. hv Messrs. Hyde it Goodrich, coroer of Ca nal and Koval streets, is said to bo a very superior article, and eminently worth the attention of house keepers ana others, see MTeraBu School Books, a.

country merchants ana and stationery at very low prices. See CARrcTiNS fcc Tho cboico stock of Messrs. A. Broussean't Co, 19 Chores street, offers great ad A mil in want or reouy excellent carpeting. martin.

noor oil cloths, curtatn materials, lie. Th ey sail at very low price. om iciuocjucui. roots. Shoes axd.Brogans.

We solicit the atten tion of dealers in town and country in want of exce lent articles in this line to the advertisem*nt oi mens. Taylor it Raddtn, 41 Magazine street. They have just received large fresh supplies. F.r.xcH Bqkskts. Millimerv.

ftc Mrs. Turner, 109 Canal street, offers great temptations to the ladies i. this line. She has ouite a rtchercne assortmeni, aim hr nricH are exceedingly moderate. See her ad vertisem*nt PiaXos.

The splendid assortment of Chickering It Sons', and of Nunns and Clark's pianos, wmcn nenry Parsons, 13 Camp street, have always for sale, will be ound worth the attention of those desiring to procure fine instruments. See advertisem*nt. Sphcc ivd Bummer Goods. Messrs. F.

Stringer ft 35 Camp street, are receiving an extensive and excellent assortment of summer goods, comprising every article or gentlemen's clothing aud furnishi ng goods, or the latest style, substantial make and hne quality. They sell at low prlceo. See advertisem*nt. FlRC ARMS. Messr.

Allen ft HiUe, 79 Magazine street, have for sale a large and varied of fire arms of all descriptions. Including all the latest and best Improved rifles, fowling pieces, pistols, tc. No fault will be found with their prices or terms. See advertisem*nt. For Jefferson.

Passengers and shippers will bear in mind that the safe and comfortable steamer Leona, Capf. Klnsolvin, leaves for the above and intermediate points on Red River, to morrow even ing. at 5 o'clock punctually. Coal, Bricks, Lime, fcc John C. Stewart, 93 Gravier street, and 2 JuUa street lauding, is always prepared to fill orders of any extent, for coals, bricks, lime, fcc, fcc, of the best quality, and at the the lowest market rates.

See advertisem*nts. rywe call the attention of buyers to the sale of furniture, French plate mirrors, clocks, Brussels carpets, chinaware, fcc, which will take place on Monday, April 7, 1850, at 10 o'clock, A. at the dwellieg house of J. M. Caballero, No.

141 St. Louis street, between Danphin and Burgundy. The piano of Erard's manufactory will be sold at 12 o'clock, precisely. Luxuries. Some of the choicest luxuries ever brought hither from the North have just been received by the Cahawba at the Phoenix House, 9G St.

Charles street, together with some most tempting Galveston shrimp. See advertisem*nt. Concert or Sacked Music. Our readers will remember the very pleasant and successful concert which was given last season in the Episcopal Chnrrh on Camp street, to aid in procuring an organ for that church. We learn that the arrangements for another concert, for the same object, have been completed, and as it will be under the same direction as the former, and with increased attractions for the lovers of acred song, a very satisfactory musical fete may be anticipated.

We hope it will contribute largely to the object in view. The ommnrns will appear in the course of the comlt' Penitentiary Ma I Messrs. S. Hart it Co, Baton Ity notice in another column that they will orders for manufactures of the Penitentiary. See advertisem*nt.

Cy Thos. L. White, 105 Canal street, has just re. rived some valuable additions to his stock of standard law books. See advertisem*nt.

SoctoLOGT. Mr. Hnry Hughes will resume his lectures on this subject on Tuesday evening next, at Lyceum Hall. Nicaragua. The steamship Charles Morgan, Capt.

Place, will leave for Punta Arenas on Thursday next, the 10th hut. Agents, Harris fc Morgan, foot of Julia street. Association for the Relief of Jewish Widows amd ORrHAjts. The general annual meeting of this association, for the election of officers, is to be held at II o'clock this morn lag. Merchants' Mutual Ixssl'rance Company.

The annual election for directors of this company Is to take place to morrow. ty Tb statement of Mr. Roub, in reply to acorn sounlcation on the subject of the Jackson Railroad which appeared In the Picayune of the 25th will be published fat oar Issue of Tuesday morning next. Doors, Sasbes, Blinds, tc Mr. Geo.

Purves architect and builder, gives notice in another column that he has commenced the manufacture of doors, sashes and blinds, of every description, at the factory, corner of St. Charles and Clio streets. Orders may be left either there, at his office, 27 Commercial Place, at the Mechanics' Exchange, box 94, and will be promptly and faithfully attended to. See advertisem*nt. Choice We are indebted to Messrs.

Coeper It Neibert, 35 Common street, for a specimen of the very choice groceries they keep on hand in the shape of a diamond ham, of the curing of 3. Davis, k. COy, said to be the beat in the world." Its appearance folly warrants as in expecting to prove a delicacy. As wIH be seen from their advertisem*nts in our columns, they have a very extensive and well assorted stock of all kinds of groceries, fcc, which they offer for sale at the lowest market rates. J.

T. de Egana, 47 Bienville street, has a large supply or Tennent's ale for sale. See advertisem*nt. Scotch. Pic Iron.

Messrs. Priestley fc Bein, 89 Camp street Bare just received and oer for sale a cargo of Gleugimock Scotch pig iron. See adver Usemeut. Another April Fool Hoax. The wags over at MobBe and the vicinity had their own fun on All FooPs Dy, playmg off a set of practical Jokes, particularly on the railroad conductors.

We have already related how the conductor on the Citronelle train was so completely sold by a lady, or rather the fiTlro of on. standing at a station as though wailing passage, and how the aforesaid conductor, when be found himself so cruelly taken in, pretended to vthrow the responsibility of stopping the train for a stuffed effigy upon the Innocent engineer. The Register gives a sequel, to the story, which Is even richer. It says When the Mississippi train came along, a few hours later, toe conductor observed a female figore standing the middle of the track, apparently goiog toward the city. The train was on a descending grade, con sisted of eight cars pretty well loaded, aud was going with considerable speed.

Conscious of all this, tho conductor bad. the whistle sounded furiouslv and shrilly, yet the figure moved not. She must be deaf ttougnt Die conductor, and He gave tbe order to slacken speed and sound another alarm but the woman still stood 4n the direct path of the fire breathing locomotive; while the distance between tbe two was being rather uncomfortably decreased. Mow, really alarmed, the conductor shouted to shut the brakes hard down and shut off steam; but it was too late. The cars would not stop, and terrible to relate, the cowcatcher eauirht the auDDOsed woman tossed her full twenty feet off, to the horror of ana uie undisguised terror or assistant conductor and engineer, floating tw.

whoe excited brains were uncomfortable selicitors, tc When tbe hurried, with pallid cheeks and ate rested mX 'P where' the poor uufurtu the mum u'xTi 'SlJa the same bit of wood, with ronelle eondilcHit jT V0 tnat troubled the Gife came from uie men7 Peal of lauehter were a entoyin and a bevy of girls out that they werl uwTlJ 'er turned hoax, and they are entiued OUlur of the double) Cess of their invention. T.nrmium for the suc Late advice irom Bertm Prince Frederick William, of PrnsuLuireport lhat land again in May and maisTVei ta't Eng" length. An alliance between the royi 1 Prussia and Great Britain is looked for as of tSFSlr Henry Eilia baa resigned his post as prlnct. pal librarian to the British Museum, which he h. held for more than fifty years.

Ssrfeas ChargtTii Memphis Appeal, of Wednesday last, says Quite a stir was created in the financial circles yes terday, occasioned by the arrest or a Mr. Y. Bald l.ntan of the Planters' Bank, charging the said Baldwin with having forged a letter of iQ obtaininr 17. 000 iiocK, Bora. ilcJoMS' real estats tr CaBBsaocial Plaea.

I Myjt" all i freely weir i By uiauy, rueliy abused To vain expression of opinion. made toplay the very minion Are people given much to boast Than ever was themorning star; lthL a lan gunge of its own, Of Stone; Indeed so potent in appeih. The senses straightway nderinB reel. My teeond, sadly you'U diWxrver, In waiung on the Whenever vocal is his grief. To give his bursting heart relief.

Alike In pleasure and in pain, A thrilling voice it will obtain. My third may seem somewhat complex. And slightly may the guesser vex Since singular and plural both. To be at once, 'tis nothing loth There is a tree, well known to fame. Which bears in sound at least its name, And one, if not as some are, fruity, Vfaat's always rich in vernal beauty; So too, a certain meek quadruped.

That only is, when frightened, stupid. And which at times will largely share The anxious farmer's tender care. My whole serves shortly to express. Beyond dispute, indebtedness; And where ono governs regally, It passes current legally And though three words compose its name, Three letters, too, will do the same. 1GIL.

THE 'CITY. Sunday Morning, April 6. i i ir vPAtPrrlav. A kitcheo lUt.Al oluur, a on Claibome street, between St. Ann and Mam Tint itrn streets, was destroyed uy nre.

i how the fire originated. r. At an enrlv hour yester aiULI.S uuwua rwi. mi rnnlmu of theNlglll day morning, incww Inspectors for Uie Custom House, seized a skiff on the levee, in front of Toulouse street, containing a to htve been stolen. were twentv three pair Anion uie wwww of shoes, and eight dozen fur hats.

They were con veyed to the Second uisinci puuco wun. i rvr Tint Mavor has made ao ULILb 1' r.iiina ar Mr. Romer. Jr Lieutenant, IU1UIU1CU in the place of Fremeaux, removed S. S.

Richer, Sergeant, in the place of Morrill, promoted. Also, officers, as follows T. Morrill, W. Hockersmith, W. Boovey, P.

Kirwin, C. Bloomer, H. Sehorn, J. Fulton, WVH. Ciane and T.

Montague. Police Matter. BEFORE KECORDER ItAMOS. lauicnuo UHRrr v. mi vesterday arrested on a rhargo of having serioualv in 1 1 V.

nurannal liri' lif MllllTUIR SphlllfX iv striking her on her face with a billet of wood. r. rntSl XanUe, UlIU I. IH. anwio.ucauu); on acuargeoi utiviu mreu a loons from a house at the corner of St.

Philip aud Der 1 .1 A 1 Kmnma 4 ir uriiritn' nr Bimwi 0.11 1. iv v. the corner of Roman and Hospital streets. Uatuenne J. coinpituus liibi Btiiiio uiiic biuic she was arrestel and bound to keep the peace to wards xvir.

ana mn. xvuuinu, vv no nrmc vvnn street, under a heavy penalty; and that since then the ,1 1 I 1. nnnvtmunt na rumaniv aousea uer, lurt unriitru uci un, uu tn I all nnasilil. mnn tn indiire her to vio late the provisions of her bond. Warrants issued.

Before Recorder Bright. John Dwyer was yesterday found concealed in the hold ol the steamboat R. J. Ward and was arrested on a charge of hav in it fttiiit 221 f0 from William Bell. The money.

1th five cents additional, was found on the person of the accused, and as it was clearly identified, he was re .1 .1 nvidnn liwarino nn the lllh inst. THE COURTS. Fourth District jCourt, Judge ReyTtoldt.ln the case of the State of Louisiana on the relation of John Holmes, praying for a mandamus, r. Emile Wiltz, the defendant has taken an appeal from the decision of Judge Reynolds. Supreme Court Condensed Derisions.

H. Lccas r. T. F. D'Armond.

SpoJTord. J. This was an action to have a sale declared simulated and null. Held: That there was no necessity for putting the defendant in default to have the title he held declared simulated. The putting in default is a pre requisite to the recission of an actuul contract A simulated sale is no sale as to third persons prejudiced thereby.

The defendants misconceived the character of the present action, when they cited the nilea laid down 111 the code relative to the action of the creditors in avoidance of contracts and its incidents. el $eq. Those rules have no application to cases of mere simulation, as this is alleged to be. They refer only to the mode of avoiding a real contract in fraud of creditors; that is, to the revocatory action proper. Article 1,972, C.

applies only to the revocatory action, and not to the action en declaration de timu liitum. omterB ani Jfinanrial. Satcrdat Evenixg, April 5. The abundance of money continues undiminished. Prime long paper is eagerly sought for at 8 aud in an exceptional case was taken at 71.

As things look this may turn out to be the rule instead of the exception before long. A round parcel of about $20,000 good names, but not classed at Al, wus ne gotiated at 9 and the buyer felt convinced that he had made a snug investment. This is our opinion, also. To day's payments into bank were heavy, but the offerings in anticipation did not prove as large as was expected. Subjoined will be found the bunk returns for the week.

They show again a considerable increase in deposits und exchange, and only a slight falling off in specie, the decrease being ruther apparent than real. The exact changes are as follows Decrease in Short Loans Increase in Deposits Decrease in Specie Increase in Circulation Increase in SM.024 S7fi.8i M.96l Weekly Statement of the New Orleans Banks CASH ASSETS. Lo. Such. Basis.

April S. March 39. Aprils. March Citizens' Bank. 4.378.47..

4.47.M. jJ.3Ai.47 2.37J.3tM Canal Bank I.M7H.!' 2.oio.e. '7t Louisiana 3.2.n.34. 3.OW.027 i.tO4.70ii 1 9r Louisiana State 4.377.

7W. 4.33.1!l 2.148.56 2 (l. 4W 1 l.JOt.OTft Bk of N.Orleans 1.1.U 1.17M.070 46.0"7 401 4. '4 Southern Bank. ixi.l' 2 J4.777 132.704 872 Union Bank 1.

2.1(1. wi i.i;i.fi4:i 423.47i 17.Xii.3Ui 17.Kwi.324 43.h2t. IVcrrw tt )fci4 i' i yxi CASH LIABILITIES. Cicblatio. Drorr.

Basis. April fi. March April s. March Citizens' 3.312.77:. 3.223.U!.

3.: 44.88 3.W73.US Canal Bank l. .7 i.a.20n i.i.u.ii. 1.225. vi Louisiana 1.0iti.3fti 1.U23.3H 3Hn Louisiana State l.tit 34(. l.62.S.l'i 4.1m.1w 4 014 "SO Wecb Trad's 430 Orts 433.03(1 7.024 977.412 Bk of N.Orleans 6S0.57ft 62i.370 l.OW.2; l.Olu.HX southern Bank.

SM.24S ruii.ll 2M 017 Union Bank w. 'Mr, Bft4.1 i l.nul.fict' sua. 17:1 Total 375.un 24 ift fi74 i. i 3 Increase 3 koi In addition to the forenimr mah i.Ai.nk. hold foreign and domestic Exchange to the extent of iuc rropecuve ngures opposite, as compared with last week April March 2.

Citizens' Bank Canal Bank Bank of Louisiana Louisiana State Bank Mechanics' and Traders' Baukill Bank of New Orleans Southern Union Bank l.S77.3i; 1.58H.12F 1.414.34i 635.0211 42 2.3S1, 237.74M 7.M.W1 4. H.74ti 1.345.2110 470.S177 63.i.!i Total 7.4:16.422 The Stock market continues decidedly in the as cendant, and the prolonged ease of the Money market has the effect of drawing in outside operators as well as speculative purchasers. H. W. Palfrey tried an auction sale to day with the following nfarked 80 shares Opelonsas Railroad, at 37 do.

do 50 Jackson Railroad 20 Poutchartrain Railroad 20 Louisiana State Bank fto Bank of New Orleans E0 Citizens' Bank do. CO Odd Fellows' Hsll i.uoo tonsoU.laled City Bonds "56 3 60 142ii um: 154 153 3Ji 835. In the general market there was likewise a brisk demand, with sales or 350 shares Canal Bank, in several parcels, at 121124S, the bulk at the latter price; SO share Louisiana State Bank at 141 110 shares Bank of New Orleans at 105 43 shares Levee Steam Cotton Press Co. and some Citizens' a' 152). For Bank of Louisiana we understand that 154 was refused.

Tbe market close with a strong upward tendency for all descriptions. The Exchange market was most abundantly supplied to day, and rates were quite firm. In clear Ster transactions were effected at 109H'3109, and at 1V for bank biUs. Nothing of consequence trans sr BU1 of Lading drafts. Francs were quiet at d7mMf33H, aaaU rams commanding 5f.22i, Sixty diant IIS were In itlHaU.

ct. bank, chock ir faiT reae't The KvaiiB m. Bt edict, Pine OANE BELL! aw M. L. Belt, Horn of claims thnMjraoatSSf vonnseiots as lw wai ocner nnnuw A.

e. SEMMJuS, Attorney at LaJJ" Flaoa. Commrf i. nUtsi sav1 00 wi "ii iimiiii i mMi ta. 1 MARINE NEWS.

PICATCNl! OFFICE, Al 6. r.T.KARED YESTERDAY. Steamship Mexico, Lawless, Galveston and Matagorda Bay 5 Harris fc Morgan Brhip Peter Maxwell, Sadler, Liverpool, Maxwell co Ship Garrlck. Foster, Liverpool, Jenkens, Williams co Ship Gulf Stream, Lord. Liverpool.

Baxter, Loveu uLI. II' C1.1.4A Q.M rf A ouip M.cklnder co Ship A Kimbsll. Bhthen. Liverpool, 'Whitney Shin Parthenon. Driver.

Boston. Hyn4on co Swedish Ship Montrose. Aberlim, Come, Kirehhofr Hnll.h A.hhv Lavars. Goldenb2w Lesparre Scar Pettes, F.ucett, St Mark, an tho ABRIVKD. Inilianola and al steamsnip vnm mwa rfiatrirt.

nare. in Kev West 25th ult Tfhe Florida PortiVto Roger. ico Ut district Steamship Cahawba, Bulloch, fm New fork sjth ult, via Havana 2d inst. to uonnoiy ire uin P'nTe5 day. fm Antwerp, in ballast, to Baiter, Lovell 4ta district 55.

Shin Northampton. Delano. fmBreinerhaven 5th Feb. in to master Point.

Fi hruarv Ship Gor Langdon. Stone, fm Liverpool 9th February to Ship Abbot LawrenceTDavis, fm Brest 18th Feb, ballsst. ynn 27th Jan, via St nng raony vuuiirj. u. niau.

7' Rtan Island, to Avet rr ocur mary. ore', Schr Mao Snow. 2 dsy. fm Fenwcola. to ter B.a?in fm Prnsacola.

to master lira, ui 1 Schr "vincible. i days fm Mobile, to ma.ter B.sin LAKB SCHOOWERS WW RAS1H. Marv Cullura, fm Bay St Looia ary argarrt Keu.iard. fm Bay St Flitabeth, Buuipherd. fiu Amite River Kmblem.

Natte. fm Ponchltoula. Emily. Sal.inan. fin Amite Kiver.

Kogli.h. fm Bay Lws. MeUaia. RobiiMon. fm BaJ Sst Louia Lrman.

Holly, fm Biloxt bite, fm Lake Catbenne, fm Amite Kiver. Joinvillr. fm Bonfoura. California. Powell, fm Biloxi.

Laura. fm Covington. Sylphiilrtarbarin. fm Horn Dame Blanche.

White, fm Tchefuncta. George. fm Tchefuncta. Christopher Columbus. Joseph, nu Bay St Loins.

Jane, Paschal, fm Bay St Louis. STEAMERS. Peter Trllon. Box. fm Louisville.

Music. Jnri'rion. fm Jetfenwm Bdfat. Taylor, fm Memphis. St Charles.

Annlegate. tin Jrlferson. Ingoniar. MrDononch. fm Meniphia Win.low.

MrUill, fm Waoash Kiver Thus Swann. Andrews, fm Louisville. Niagara. Spottn. tin Louisville.

Delaware. MrMurty, fm St Louis. Clark. Lodwirk. fm Fulton.

Hays. Wright, fm Shrevepnrt. Compromise, Ray. fm Carotiua Cuba. Heirn.

fm Mobile. Laurel Hill. Hooper, fm Bayoa S.ra Opelouiias. Neal. fm Bayou Gro.

Trte. Mom Greenwood. Thomas, fm Little Rock. KaMpnrt. Harrison, fm Eastport.

Kennett. Bnttinger. fiu St Louis. Towboat Conqueror. Brown, from tbe Pause.

went down lijht brought up Jsjv t.angaun, adixiu Lawrence and K'hr Mary. Towboat Anlo Anieriran. Martin, fm the Panes went down light Drought up unip. nii uaru morse. orm anipton, and brig fanny Whitney.

Below Comlnif Up. Ormvian Shin Petroenta. fm Barbailoes. Ship Malanff. Smith, fm Liverpool llth Feb, to Baxter, L.oeu a co.

Shin Diriiro. Cutter. day. fm Boston SUip Cambridge. Cbw.

day. fm Boston, with ton. ire IOJ aruer kcu. Barkrutine Claremout, day. fm Hew York, to Geo ti mi A' rn Brig Brownsville.

Rogers, 5 day. fm Matvuzas, to Golden bow iarre. Schr A Ward, fm Rio de Janeiro, with 4410 he. cotiee, Schr Venire. Fi.h, 4 day fm Araesas, to Goldenbow I.parre 2 I bark and 1 brig name unknown.

F.XPtJRTS. OAl.VF.STON AND IN D1ANOLA Steam. hip Mexico 150 bhl. flour. 25 rt.

bacon, luo bxi tobacco, 300 sks corn. 950 pkgs groceries. LIV ERPOOL Ship Peter Maxwell C37S. bales cotton, 20 '7 pke. lard, fill bx.

meat, nt.u Ll KKPOOL. sum A Mmnaii 10. 7 uaie. conon, tc. beef.

ISM1 tc. 141 bbl. lard. 4i LIVERPOOL Ship Uarrick bales cotton. LIVERPOOL Ship Gulf Stresm 20M bales cotton.

72x1 sk. wheat, lf5 corn. COWES Sbip Montrose 2.107 bale, cotton. BOSTON ahlp Parthenon 7 bale, rotton. 144 bales hemp.

52 hhd. barjm. 5x bbl. pork. KC'O bhl.

flour. 517 do lard. bbl. wbi.kev. 2H2 tc.

H2 do lard, luu corn. 614 bdl. ami hiileii. pkga mdae. 5i staTes.

TKIKME Miip scnnmit 212 uaie. cotton. LAVACA Schr Bullru.h bbl. flour.

T.i bbl. whiskey, 10 bbl. molasses. 11 do apples. 75 bx.

uar 8 ck. baron. 5 do rire, 275 corn. KM ng. coffee, 140 bx.

ine. do tea. 20 sk. salt. 20 kir.

tians. lv pkgs m.Ue. ST MARKS AND NEWPORT S. hr Perte. 35 bbl.

pork. 10 hhds sugar. .55 cks bacon. bbls Hour. 12 ck.

haiua. bbl. 20 hf bl bbl. m. bbls whiskey.

IMPORTS. NEW" YORK Strsm.hlp Cahawba Assorted mdse Kl'ATAN ISLAN Schr Mary Hoc bides 7 skins To old metal 500 Tb lead 4 bxs mdde A vet Bros lot truit to order. PKNSACOLA Schr Marv Ellen hales cotton to Frellsen. Stevriison Aco 2 bbls boeswax Hurley iro bales skins 350 hides, order ft lumber 2(i, lot lis to Merritt Sl McConnell. PKNSACOLA Schr Dora e'O bide.

Kennedy 21. 'i'O ft lumber Merritt McConnelL MOBILE 'cur Invincible bbl. rosin, order LIVERPOOL Ship Gov Langdon 1 17. kki 2 slab. i Davidson slate.

Lyall 2 ck. mdse 2i case, steel Caldwell 4 co 325 bcxes tin Oglcsby Macauley 15 ck. hardware a do 1 anvil Buddecke 25 bdl. Ktieex iron roiger sro 101 not. ootiied ale Iva.

ico A cks hardware A Johnson ro I do 2 ck. ft co b' crate, earthenware Fergnwin i do II Miller 10 crates 3 casks bbd cartlienwure and sundries Huntington Ar Brook. 1 puncheon whiskey as Maitee 5 cues brandy 1 hud do at Mills 1340 bars railroad iron Caey ft case, mdse Cramer Aco 4ii pkg. and rase, liutse Graham 1 cufie mdse Leon 27 do Towusend, Tompkins 4 co 1 do Pierre Ouma1 do Peerrie 1 crates earthenware A Gatc liell 1 mk mdse A Lanauze do Price Krust 2 do McGr gor 2i case and ao b.lls steel 1 rase tiles 20crate. earthenware A Violett as crates and casks mdse llunuewell.

Hill A rn 'I crates and i canks indue Gauche crate, mdse Clark Ic Wosby 2 cases md.e Burnside Aro 3 boxes mdse Yale jr A co hi! cks soda sab A' Yar mall 4iiO irou Price. Converse Aro 12. bars 2. bdls iron 751 bx. tin plate Stark.

Staurler A co 14 bars irin 40 bdls do 5M bars do bdl. sheet iron Prieatlv Bein sk. salt Whitney Aro 15a riatea iuJ.e ck. da 17 cases do, and order. KEY WEST AND FLORIDA PORTS Steamship Vanderbilt 36 bale, yarn KuerB Aro box mdse Orrutt 1 donkev Mc'Millan turtles, order IN D1ANLOLA AND GAVESTON Steam.hip Cha.

Morgan 10 bale, cotton A Kelly A co 2 Yeatmsn A co Rugeley, Blsir tro 0 Henderson, Terry A co 1 Cooper Aro 21 Lowe ico t. Pinckard A co 4 Oakey A Hawkins 18 Campbell A Strong ltoo spi'rie McDowell. Mills A co 1S1 bide. Oakey A Hawkins I.ri3 do Maun 227 do Korclieiiuer 10a do Krancke Dannrel 08 do Day 41 do Pi lsburv 1 do 2 bis deerskins Converse Aco sundries, order Total 15b bales cotton. LI EH POOL Skip Gov I.arigdon 1135 sks salt to nitney A co Assorted mdse RECEIPTS OK PRODUCE.

LOI'ISVILLK Steamer Peter Tellon 50 bbls pork to Hall. Kixlii A Putnam 219 do 4N trs do Martin, Owen At Cobb 5i bbls do 41 hhd. tobacco Hewitt. Norton 4 do Robinson 11 do It Short 4 co 4t bbls 31 tc pork II Leland Aco 321 bbls do Parmele it. Bro ft bales mdse A I.aforest 54 rls rope Smith A Hadden 2 bbls eggs Iw sks corn I bbls Hour Twichell Aco 120 do rixatoea West Aro 2 pkgs ploughs Peltain 50 gs 2n hf bbls whiskey; hint, tobacco Pope.

Ellison Aco bbls butter tMdoegg. CShneider 17 flm Irather Bull. Ellis Aro kijiks corn Craft. Aco '0 bbl. mdse Dutfy Aco 5 hgs pi.tstoes 7 bbls egg.

Hurley A ro do 2 hf bbl. cheese Delbond's bbls potatoes 1 do eggs I do pickles and 76 do apples Benton Atco 3 bbls onions Greve Werle o47 sks corn (ettleton SI7 do Robertson McDougall 77 bd; paper Stevens A co Total HS hhds tobacco. WABASH R1VEK Steamer II Winslow 2 bbls pork 22 do sausage meat 17 bbls 505 tcs Mill ksa lard 5 tr. pigsfeet oil 1 bliils ham. la do shoulders Kenncdy A co son sk.

corn Givens. SHREVEPORT Steamer Music I bales cotton to Payne i Harrison 5t Rugeley. Blair A ro 2 Gilly 2 1 Cleveland, Bros Aro 1 do Cummiogs. Stewart it do Carroll. Pritchard Aro 121 hides Jacob, Daboval Aco Total 1 15 bales cotton.

JEFFERSON Steamer St Chpries IS7 bales cotton to Cuinmings. Stewart Aco 7 Henderson, Terry ro 157 Brander. McKenna 2 Hubbard Mo Campbell A Strong i2 Payne Harrison 77 Powell A Hopkins Wycne Aco ir2 McKleruy Bradford 22 Miller At Fore.tiei 10 Burhannon. Carroll Aco 2:1 Wright. Davenport Aco 50 Heald, Massie Aco 1 1 do Ward.

Saunders A Hunt 17 do Taileton. Whiting A. Tullia 1 1 do Dogan, Donovan A ro 4 Davis. Jenkins Aco 16 Lowe Aco IS Nelson Aco II Cuddy, Brown Aco 33J Hardie Aco 25 A Tully Aco 14 Oakey A Hawkins 10 Bnrbrjige aco 2 Hemingway, Kriedlander A co 57 Cleveland. Bro Aco 10 Mav.

anllook Aco 1H do Frellsen KtrvMimn Jt Ha Bellocq Aco Cammack. Squires ft; West 5 Mc Malion Bellocq Aoo 6 Toledano Jk Taylor li do Horrell. Gavle Aro 5 McLemorr Ravhuen A a a Chateguler 5 Ridglll. Robert. Terrell 50 do Rugeley, 1 bale pelt nes Heald, Massie Aco 26 hides to rander.

McKenna A Hubbard do nrArr in hhil. nm Tuleilano Taylor I rl gin band Hardie Aco 5 bale. penne. oornui Bros 14 do A A Block 1 do hide. A Tully Aco 2K do 3 bale.

lie I tries Dennett a co 1 bx beeswax Arthur Aro Total 1232 bales cotton. MEMPHIS Steamer Belfast tvto bales cotton to Cuddy, Brown Aro j20 Wright, Davenport Aco lm McMahon 5w4 A Johnson Aro 72 Rohson Allen il Byrne. Vanec Aco 141 Bradley. Wilson Aco Ifil do iellowea Aco 142 Watt Aro Km Lowe Aco 72 do Yeatman ACO 50 Cox. fiillia A Knvil ....1.:...

a McGregor. Alloway Aco 3k Dogan. Donavan Aco 27 Davis. Jenins ftcoo tt Fearn. Donegan Aco 94 do A Games Aco 28 Nngent Aro 14 1) Cooper Aco do Powell A Hopkins ltiti do order 44 hhds tobacco I bbl 0110 "na.

tobacco Moore A VanCullin I do Yeatman Aco 1 do VV Soery Aco 18 sack, grain Hewitt, Norton Aco 510 bdl. brooms H. White 05 Dk mdw order Total r.7' hale, rotton HAVOC GROS TETE Sre.mer k.i cotton Frellsen, Stevenson Aco 20 hhds sugar A Kelly Aco 23 do dn hhla nx.l II. I. 1 1 Henderson A Peale liw do burbridge Aro 29 do McT.fla lfr Foley Averylra do Laove A McCall 20 do do A Marrioneaux luu bbls molasses Kitt' hhd.

corn Agent of elTti R'i'road sundries.order Total Wi bales ugsr 52 bbU molasses Compromlne Iftsbsle. Walker A HuTeinn'! V73 yne Harruon 7 2 Brander Carroll Aro 27do Nelion AcoSV Vi br? Toledano A Taylor 10 7 0akyA 2 Bellocq Aco Funis. do tegnier Carroll. Pritchard Aco wl iSiL A ornery BAYOU SARA Steamer L.r;iHo?n. Naile, Summer.

Aco WrightT DaVenVS; 1 Li 1 "teupoi Andrew A Slerau Byrne. Vance Aco i.Ti' dS A Henderson ft Pe.le 6ydo BenVoi, 1 1 oargs rret tslmms Aco 17 hhdssusar niie A Kelly Aco bbl. molssses BuAridgATii, do Byrne. Vance Aco io hfdo hhd. sosv Sneh.

Carroll Aco 20 do de Egana 4l do ft 36 do Darby ft TremouUt lo do Romsn ern i do 50 Gordoi bbta Aeo Sit do Urquhsrt 12 tea sugar Wmdrnff eif SOhbds do A Montgomery SodrlM 2 bales cotton 1R5 hhds sugar 531 bbiseobf bbls mollale. FULTON Steamer Clark bale.iotSm Brander, McKenna ft Hubbard 1 70 Lloyd ft FriersonsS Nelson Aco 187 Ratlin Aco so Green ft Crumn 57 Oakey Hawkins SI Wright, Davenport Aco 66 do Farley, Jurey Aco lit Cammack, So aires ft West 13 Smith 20 Leverich Aco Stewart Aco 18 Frellsen. Stevenson Aco Ward. Saunders ft 6 do Lowe Aco 4 nods sugar Ar Miltenbergci io bbls molssses Buchannon, Carroll Aco 7 bides bales pel tries, order ft4 bales cotton. 8HRE VEFORT Steamer Hayes 394 bales cotton to Payne ft Harrison 187 Brander.

McKenna ft Hnbbard 153 Bnehannon. Carroll Aco 143 Wricht. Davennort Am 9 Nugent Ac 46 8 Nelson Aco Bellocq Aco xoieoano ray lor 7 ward. Saunders ar Hunt oo Rugeley, Blair ftco 16 Powell ft Hopkins Smith 3 cs. l.

m.M i iLicit J.V 'Frieraon 3 C4flB TfS'Ci. Bros Aco t.eTotal 10D8 bales cotton "'ElTTLE TROCK SmeV u2 Mlemingway, Frledlander Aco a rsrirf, rcj Powell A BopVins 3 Carroll. Pritchard co 8 Lee 125 Williams A Son 4 A Gsines 4 Bailey do Rohson A Allen 51 pkgs mdse Twichell Axo lW do Carter Aco 11 bbls molasses Henderson A. Peale1 do white lead Stark, Stauffer Aco sundries, order Total LOO ISVILLE Steamer Niagara 15 hhds tobacco 35! sks corn 100 da oais cum ooi. ism oil m.i. ska bran 3 bbls rn Twichell A co 325 corn 24 do oats )0 hhris tobacco 18 bbls beef 16 rk. bacon Hewitt. Norton Aco 585 sks corn no Hurley Aco 500 do Michell Aco Jfio bxs 50 cks meat 9. bxs nork 73 cks sides 81 bbls whiskey Martin, Owen A Cobb lis bbl. flour 3o2 pes bagging Parmele A Bro 500 els rope Pooe Ellison Aco 1041 sk.

corn 27 bhd. tobacco 4(io bbl. Hour A Dougherty Aco i hhd. tobacco Robioaon 1U) bus beef Rorherean Aco 113 do apples Benton Ac.l,170.k. rye "sbbls apples 4 bxs eggs Rivore 31 bbls beef4 do eggs r.

Dolson A Son 13 oo appies oi uuciuc, WerleS bxsbacon 46 tcs'hams Geddes ip do Eaton A Henderson 10 do It Aoimi Jura uo mi, zrT T.I 15 do Robin.n co 8 do bt I Louis Payne Steele Aco 20 bbU bread 3 do Hour 10 do sundri. ST LOUIS Steamer Rennett fi pgs mdse to A i i i.i. i hairs seed 42 tcs lard Newton Aco 2 1 sr. oat. lonodo bran Moore Aco too bbl.

floor Smith A H.dden 100 do Keep Bard Aco uiia do Eager Aro W) do snaw aco so do Ki Ho r. Buddecke Aco 77t bbl. Hour II Kennedy Aco 5ck. bacon 8 Wright Aco 25 bbl. whi.

key Brenan A DeCaafro 19 firkins butter Draban 7U to lard Price. Converse Aco 15 bbls ale Schwebel 12 do spirits Alexes A Levis 17 pgs mdse 335 do pork and lard Woodruff Aco 1 hhd tobacco Soerry Aco 2 do 5h bales cotton Lee A Summers 10 do A Cromwrll 7 do Cooper A co 24 Turner 8 do Yeatman A co 30 bbls apples 12 do onions 5 do whiskeyj 18 head rat He 2 hora. order Total 83 bales cotton 3 hhds tobbacco. EASTPORT Steamer Eastport 1317 bales rotton to Bradley. Wilson Aco 317 do 15 sk.

wheat Henderson, Terrv Areo 185 sks corn 23 bs cotton Brady. Gorman A ro M7 ba cotton Lowe Aco 31 Fuller Aco 58 McMahon 37 Feam. Donegan Aco 35 Buchannon, Carroll Aco ".7 A Cromwell 21 MrGeliee Aro Watt. Noble A 20 Skiowith 107 A Johnson Aco do 64 blids tobacco Yeatman A co hhds tobacco Fellowes Aco fi Short Aco 3 Uoery Aco to Robinson 7 Bridges 8 Bryan A Robinson 8 Wills, Rawlins Aro 2 SHI razier a Levy A Summers 6bs cotton Baker A Collins 2n 8 Nelson Aco 51 sk. com II Craft.

Aro 74 pes iron Slark. ataunrr A co 270 ncs bills do Folger 2 bxs do Perkins Aco sks corn Lurk Aco 237 bs cotton 18 hhds tobacco sks wheat Hewitt, Norton Aco Total bales cotton l.Vl hhds tobacco. MEM PH IS Steamer Ingoniar r.74 bales rotton Watt Aco 375 Cooper Aro 2itf Perkins Aro 2iil Teat man Aco 14ii Henderson A Peale DA Dwicht A .4 McMahon 56 Pickett Aco 55 Bradley. il sin co 13 Gifting Aaro 41 Cuddy, Brown Aco 40 Koluon A Allen 2i Moore A ancnlliu Miles, Owen Aco 1' Dosan. Donovan Aco 10 Nelsnu Aco 8 Car roll.

Pritchard Aeo 23 hhd. tobacco Hewitt. Norton Aro 13 Levy A summers 10 MCUregor A Alloway 35 do 3 pkg. mdse Yeatman Aco 3 bxs Hy 1 threshing machine hhd.

tobacco Perkin. Aco 20 hhd. tobacco Turner bbl. eirea Schneider bellowes Locke do Braud A Adams 7 bs hides 70 green do Robeson Aco 1:15 green do Mann 7 bxs lard Murphy Aco drii order Total 2ssi hnles cotton 107 hhds tobscco. ST LOL' IS Steamer Delaware 3 bxs 2 plough.

8 II Kenndv A cs 1 1 bbl. apples 6 do kraut 3 hf do ti kg. buttei Delbondio 125 km shot 50 do bar lead 5 wagon. 2 bx. Kennett, Dix Aco lis) bbl.

whiskey Brulatore loo do, order HO Ja. Drunan 7(M do pork Tuft. A Hobart tto els rope A Broadwell Aco bbl. oniona O'Brien 532 bbl. lard Vennard 129 do pork ions do flour A Dousbertv Aco 41fidoG Shaw Aco 2oo do Vonrhiea.

Grigg. Aco 2(0 Oglesby A Macaulay 54u Jas Connelly A co 344 Morgan 2 pipes gin 8 bf do spirits Maloney A Bro .35 sks corn Helm A Chiam do Horrill, Gayle A co 51 do Giveu. 35 do wheat 5 bbl. egg. 1 do lard Martin 23 ba ea cotton Powell A Hopkins 100 tc.

lard .224 els rope 38 hf do Sutton 3hO sks corn de oats Mas lony 00 bbls pork a dxs maae caa uo, owners on board. Flathnnts First District. INDIAN A Per Bumngton's boat lsoo sks com Harri son A McC'heed. INDIANA Per Conway's boat 112fi bbls flour 629 bbls pork Hewitt. Norton Aco IN DIANA Per Sincoush's 2 boats 2y.

bbls Soar to order. INDIANA Per Foster's boat 3010 bbls flour Tw: rbrll Aco. Flutboats Jefferson Citv. MADISON Per ioxtl bbls Sour to Hewitt, Norton Aco. Receipts at I B.sln.

BAY ST LOUIS Schr it 5rords wood, master. BAY ST LOUIS Schr 'Si cord, wood master. BAY ST LOUIS Schr Jane 20 cord. wood, master. TCHEFUNCTA Schr Dame Blanche 3 bbls shells, order.

TCHEFUNCTA Schr Georg 50n bbls shells, order AMITE Rl ER Schr Adelia 3d cords wood, master. HORN ISLAND Schr Svlnhidv 5i sand. uo olewart. COVINGTON Schr Laura 35 bricks, order. BON FOUCA Schr Joinvillc aa.ouj bricks, to Jno Stewart.

LAKE CATHERINE Schr Aniundus Mm bbls slie'ls Bll.OXI Scbr California 2O.H0O ft lumber to Pike A Calder. AMITE RI ER Schr. Elizabeth 35 cord, wood to master. BA1 ST LOUIS Schr Mary Margarct SO cords wood master. BAY ST LOUIS Schr Balrares 30 cords wood to master.

PONCHITOL LA Schr Emblem 20 cord, wood slaves t. uue. BAY ST I.OI'IS Schr Melissa so cords wood, master. AMITE IlIVLK scur Emily cords wood, master. BiLOXl Schr Leman ft lumber, Safoid A Bell.

Per New Orleans, Jackson and G. N. Railroad. OSYKA bales cotton to eiindrv consis ness 7 hides rriemon. Conway Aco 5si tt lumber Bach do l'urves 10 bbls tar A Dick 30 do A Kearny Aco.

Per New Orleans, Opelonsas and O. V. Railroad. TIG ERV1LLE 215 hfids sugar 4'. bbls molasses 4:1 l.rlei moss 4iu ogs potatoes, toraer.

Per Pontchartraln Railroad. MOBILE Steamer Cuba OS bale, cotton Caldwell ft do Hiadley. Wilson Aco 100 bb Is outatoe. Domiellv. Bezzina Aco 3 bra cotton seed Caitinbell A Stmnn 1 lu.v muse eriem 16 do Ueddes and order Total 78 baits cotton.

MEMORANDA. Spoken. By ship Richard Morse, on the 5th ult. in hit. Ion 4 Br brig Billow.

days fiu Palermo bound to Boston, ami supplied her with provisions. Domestic Ports. BOSTON. March 28 Arraliip Adelia RoBf rs. Snow, fm flirts CHARLESTON, March 31 Below schr Geo Prccott.

UHkey, rurls. CONS1UNEES. Ter steam.hip Cahawba. fm New York Albert Atiderron A Metcalf Bradley. Wilson Aco li Connellv Frellsen, Stevenson Aco Brander, McKenna A Hubburd Burbridge Aco Buchannon, Cairoll Aco Booth A co Buddecke Aro Carroll.

Pritchard Aco Green A Crump Campbell A Strong Henderson. Terry Aco Aitkeu. Aco Cleveland, Bro. Aro Cooper Aco Adam. Frierson, Conway Aco Henderson A Peale Heald.

Massie Aco Hall. Rodd A Putnam Fellowes Aco A Gried Aco Huntington A Wade Nusrent Aco Horrell. Gayle Aro Hewitt. Norton Aco Perkins Aco Jackson Aco Kennett, Dix Aco Oakey A Hawkins MeRae, Aldridge A Cotf'manwMartin, Owen A Cobb A Lum Aco Nalte, summers Aco Oglesby A Macaulay Moon. Titus Aco Miles ft.

Adams Mav. VanHtMik Acn Raw. ins, Duncan Aco Pavne A Harrison Thorn hi II Aco riipr, r.uiwijii niu rt sin, oauuuers at nunc A KOOO co ti Smede. Aco Robson A Allen Yeatmen Aco right. Davenport Aco Lloyd A F'rienion Watt Aco Wilson.

Poinroy Aco Grigg. Aco Aaron Harnett Aco Burnett A Bostwii Bonuett bauuister 1 Biauchard Aco Dr Belden Bra ilmon A Boudy A Brousseau Aco Bellanger Aco Bntey A Brousseau Aco Baldwin Bradford Bunnell A Bailierl Bergmann Aco A Barriere ft Bro A Black Aco Blad'er Broulatonr Bockius Breniel Bull, Ellis Aco Baily Blancbard Aco Barrett Buck A Peck Blancbard A Quillet Blache A Leaumeut Bumside Aco Capt I Bowen Bach Aco Cook, i oung or co a uapsay t.unas riammond ti Curtu Corsuu A Armstrong Charles Cotvers. Kennett Aco Converse Aco Carpiette Clostemiann Aco Win Cusliing Clannon Caballero A Bacualdo Cbinn Couuoly Aco Bate Aco Citizens Bank D'Arry Aco Carroll Dobyns A Harrington Dantlaus Dupatseur Aco Dunbar Duntiiker Durac Dui.ley A Nelson A Dryer Duconge A Dryer Dawson Drake Duncan Sl Haley Aco Dowd oucayet I Denman Aco I. Ducoomrau Davis A Jackson A ft Errkiel Elliott, Adams Aco Folger Edson Aco FisberF Folger Aco Fabre Aco Frost Aco Fredrirkson Ferixm frerea F'istoraggi Felt A Stetson rcrnauoez ren tveo i. uoldsmitn uuldsmith.

Halter Aro Gueringer Gardiner Gut TF Union Gerke Geddes Ganaux A Viala Gauche Gould Aco A Guesnard Gensler Gruman Aco Garthwnite. Gifhn Aco Ginuel A Jamison Grant" I.i wis Aro (jodchaux Ireres Harnden Express Harris A Morgan A Hnuney Aro Holmes A Claim A Hill I a Meorard A A Henderson Heaton A Oliver Harvrv Aid Hardie Aco I Hill A ueliacham FK lienryiuet Harding Aco Hart Aro Haggerty A Bro Holmes Israel Jaufroid Jrnninn a a jame. r. jajuos lx Jonas I 11 Jackson Aco K. Justus Jacobs A Jacquet 8 Kansler Kopke II I.

I lVftUUWIllHl 1 IV KID VI Cv II Itlllll IVeep. OBrU Aco Keruaghau Langdridge Aco A Levy Aco I. ay i ti r. l.eon co l.auve Aiccall Lebde Laguv ft Li tmu Luueschloss Aco Lacev Aco Lopez Aco Levois L.vie Larotissinl Aco Leeds Aco A Lachomette Aco II Letchford Aco Meyer. Aco Leigton A Barbot Laughlin McColl Morrison Merritt A McConnell McGregor Aco K.

iviarsuaii kco Aiiaao a aiunroe aco Mussiua Murray Moulor McGehee Aco Miller Magee A Koeoss Moulor Marks Aco Morgan Mulford Aco Murray, Miller Aco Marqueze Aco niruousm acco J. itioresu rl marks Aco Montrnsa opil ftioissanett niarcv Moreno Sjos II li Mc inniss Norman Moody Niel Norris A ay A orton A co North, Smedes Aco Oliver EP Poole Provost Pettibone Peet, Sinims Aco Price az a repin atco tt nnet pottDort A ftaight Pasnuier Peck Pierson. Harrison Aro P. Piliahi. Peychaud Aco Peppard Aro Runkel 8 Pickett Aco Rnpp Aco Relf Aco Payan A co A Pollard Aco Roman A Kernion Rave let A Fou nier ii sots a tiicaroy rviraaiino Aco Schmitz s.

a. nieiiy Bizer sonnekalk Bro. Stanton Aco Smith Sismr Aco R. Stevens AVrnu; Stuart Aco Ji Seibricbt Rev Stevens Syme ,) Scanlau Aco Stringer Aco 8mith A Fimisier oiniiu omuiuu UI vme IV CO scott A SeMrinir Miertuan, Wbaton Aco Sickles Aco A Tullv Aco li Tscon l'u" Tardos Thayer A Thayer atker AVen I tA7.Ann.n t. Wavland Wills Rtwlilta Mrr.n A I WK Woodruff Aco Woodman Wheelock nunc a oiling icenner, tling Aco and order 221 pkgs mdse for Mobile.

From Aavana DeVisaer Aco MeSICk ACO Cnllver Ctilin A It.iH.ii Hnmin lima at ruater. Per barkentme Claremont. fm New York A Kearney Burton Aco Miller Arn Slrk KtiifTer Si i I Arthur Aco McKennv AVrn fteammn Peek Arn Taylor Aco SchwaU Harvey Aco Converse Aco ft Neagle Grosjean A Beneteau Bergmann ftco Woodruff Aco Nautre Aco Moloney Bros A Brown; Aco A Barriere ft Bro Rimailhs Aco McGehee Aco Roberts Aco Mscon Aco Durel ft unntze sickles Aco Hedden Sampson ft Keen Shearer Daley Aco Mann Bonnabel McGregor Aco Todd Aco Bridge, Ranlett Aco Dyaa ftco Taylor ft Hartt Railly ftco i Marks co 4i Sixer Poultney ft Masaey Vredenborgh Aco Beebe Aco Simpson Peychaud Hall ft Hlldreth Robinson ftco Robinson, Reynolds Aco Smith ttneklett A Rtl. Snu.T Vmlft.Knrtli Bmededa Aco Bauer Pncoarneaa A Jacquet irftwDer kco Atobb ftco Lambert Oolaen ft Son A Glenn Acu Conon A. Armstrong A Hehrard Eaton ft Henderson Curtis bum way ft Clspp I 8 Holden ftdo Lallande Aco Phillips Aco Wills ft Rawlins felj Aco Fo ge ftco Olivier A Lam ftco PerdreauviUe ftco A James Mallard Marshal Creevy ft Farwell 1 Keinam A Turned li Mark Holmes ft Clausa Flint Josses Baiae Morrisoa Bowles Hynsoa ftco Vohna Jeaareneaad ftco I Strood ftoo Fraser Nixon CT Buddecke A Kenaedy ftco Perkins ftco Crane ftco Horrell.

Gayle ftco Payne ft Harrison Mm, Titos Aco A Griert fteoMcKleroy ft Bradford Price Couvense ftc JW Burbridge co ThorahlU co Frellsen, Steveaaon ftco Rawtius, ijuncaa Aco Tn ii at co Liter inton Col TompkinsTownsend, Tompkins Aco mcent Aco Valentine Aco VUlie Bavn uaiu enein I I In Rt VU MiUer Buchsnnon. CarroU co giesoy marauiay Bove Heald. Massie Aco Miles ft Adsms A hitiDg ur 1 o. Mr Hnnt Watt. INSDie St RIODiev art A Cleveland, Bros Aco May, V.nHook Aco rmH.vbura Aco HaU.

Roddi PurnamAu.tin Good Tompkins Schmidt A Zelgler nell A BaiUetT I Zoelly TGrlrrln 8 Wolff Letchford co I. m. 7.tlr n. MrOrrffor Aco Bun. McGregor Aco Bun Aco nroulatour Aco Stanton Aco A Lanata Smcass am and order.

PASSENGERS. Per steamship Chas Morgan, fm Galveston Miss Ines, lhS.r famflv. Mrs Wood. Mrs Flint. Mrs 2.

Mr Hndarea and llv. Mrs Hanson, child and servant Matlek and ladv. Gen Hunt and lady. A IT. uh.

2 children. Bostwick and ladv. Grnbbe and lady. Mrs Emlng. 8 Combs, Mrs McKee.

Wsmpler und ladv Bracken and lady, a smitn, lady ana cniu aiiii rk 1 1 I i i Tim. riren. 1 lav is aim mey. l' 1 i't" 11 MrCrable. Sullivan.

L'nscheit. Hijams, luu Capt McGovern, aosworn and 20 on deck. Per steamship Vsnderbilt. fin Key West Mrs Cln Bfrvmit Mrirlioli ladv mill mnt nas. j.

Mr Williams, lady and 2 servants. Miss Haywood. Mr Boyd lady and servant, Mr Blake, lady and Mr. Melville Mr Arsin and infantVIr. Cabell, Miss Dis mukes.

Mr TC Messrs. HaaW ureen. A coats, A Edwards, A Hopkins, WMG Davis A Gritfen, Mc Mi ten. Cage, it r. omuu.

smiirv, miai.iriwi iisiiu Capt Parker, Major Reynolds. USA, Lieut Eddy. SA. Dr Uood ana servsnc, ana no on aec. steamship Cahawba.

fm New York Capt Somers BD1 lady MpJ fionson. Walworth. Mrs Hoyt, Crille. Mr Davis and family. Capt Stetson.

Mr W'ebb, Mr Wilson and lady, pierce, Buckner, Buckuer, Mrs Harris. Crane, Chaa Heath, Von Hunter. Elv. Wm Dnmbro, Ginen. James Gitfen.

Mr Mont gomery, Hewitt. Norton. Hadden. Hallrtt, 1S Fuller, Capt Bertram, Capt Johnson. DePey.ter, Latting.

Stewart Oxley. Smith. Tegoda, 8 F'orgay. lady, rhild and 2 servants. Virginio and 3 sons.

Nadal. Stolterfoot. Welock, Jenkins, Mr Hammond, a tosia. mrs miiorden. 2 chil dren and servant, Eniile A but.

Mr Blake and lady. CP Bent, Mr Cummins Mr Henderson, Mrs Peca bin and child. Countea p'rias. Judire (isvsrrr and ladv Mr Ouincy. Robertson, Mills, ladv and sister, Mr VV A Dors, Mr Brown, Mia.

Brown, Mr Durinel. Marv Bardos. Oeden Tru li. Miss Emt raon. Mr Emerson and lady.

Reordon and vant. niarrero, Castillo, 1 onge, Pennett. liolsfeet, a Arrlvala at the Principal ilotels Yesterday ST. CHARLES HOTEL. MrAlnlne.

La: WH Merritt, Ma.lisonvile; Stirling and lady Ouachita: Hy Peck, Peniston, Catahoula; Jos William, and lady. ana ihdbfitii, miss i hbvwihni, v. n. iv 11 uiiLi TI. Hallrtt, Mobile; I.

Ashley. NY. Yale, Jr. NO; Wm Armory. Jr.

Lowell, Jr. 'E Barker, Boston; nght. Cincinnati: llioij Davis, a Trott. Liviugiton; Reeders. Aberdeen.

Mi; Sackett ear NY; Col RC Parsons. Dr A Everett. Cleveland. Ohio; Mrs Nichols, lsdy and servant, NY, Miss Desmicks. fanning, la; Mr Desmicks.

Tenn; of atson, Tenn; Davis. A Hopkins, loinla. A VV Ctrats. Greens. Nashville, Tenn; Davidsofi, NO; Daniels and lsdy.

KV: A KCa.1v. USA; Geo Scott. Mobile. 8 Mc Alpiue and lady. Mis.

McAlpine. Miss Hernton, r.utaw. Ala; Hutiana. Lewis Craigier. Mrs Msry Har mon, child and three servts.

Mobile; Msjor Reynolds, 8 Army; Flouruoy. Ward, Miss; Johnson. RA Johnson, Kenturky; John Rogers, steamship Cahawba; Jno Pickett, lado and servant. La. Ingersoll and ladv.

Cjnton. Ill; llewson and lady, Aik; Joo Cumming. and ladv. Emerson and lady. Mis.

Emerrlon, Uuftia Divine. Mr Pierce. Wall wort b. Mrs Unit, Havana; DO Mills, ladv and A uan. antornia.

Stewart Oxley, London, Eng; BEIy. Jno Webb. DePuystrr Osdrn. New York. A Cleaveiana.

ti t. stierwin. Mobile: Wm Davis and ladv. Mrs Davis. Boston: Moses Jenkins.

Providence: Stolenfoht. Flammours. Ouinrev. Boston: wm 11 crane. If: Latting.

A Wilson. Wm Wilson. Liverpool Geo Blake and lady. Chas Bent, Boston; Van Lobberke. NY: Chaa Poston.

Catifornia: Jno Graham. Ills: Hood and at. Ky; Douglass, La; Capt Bulloch, steamer cabawoa: A neatly. L.a: toi a ruuer. Ked Kiver.

CITY HOTEL Benson. St Martinsville; A Hohbs. Marshall: Jacobs. Cypress Bend: Hrslep.Ls: Martin. Kingshurry.

A Wilson. Ark: Reid. Tenn; A a sioau.crk; vv it veal. Texas; vv Biabry. La; JaaGarreit.

Hopkiuscounty; Wm Record. Texas: Isiah Wells. Paris; Hugnes. JnoT Harris. Jr Hereon; Mm i Blair.

1'hoaB Grayson. Farrield; Orasslaud, Dresden; niotann and lany. l.a; t.oi cnanioenj. Ala: A aire, a Russell. Ga; Burhy Grace.

Ala. John A Erwie, til; Moorsnam. Ark; a jones. Aia; nutier. rt natter.

tt Keenan. Selma. Gill Colli Cahawba; Thomas. Miss Donneil. Mrs Butford.

Jas Scott. San Aiigilsiine: Jas Dillonar. DrSoto; A Beaty. Texas; A Sullivan: 3 tout rerry; it ujones. ivv; a aetiie, tors, Fnushed.

San Autonia; Butler. La; A aits worth, Mataaorda: Lewis Bennet. Brazoria: Burford. De Soto; Kn'ght. Mis.

Aigliam. Brocket and lady. Galveston: LW McLairne. Hickmau; JJ Nasber. Miss: Itnceni.

Driv. Rufu. Richanison. San Antonio Sainut 1 Gain and lady. Texas Walnut.

Mini Harsravr. Hazard. Hnzard.Ark II Hadden. i ii Crane. Latting.

Rev Henderson. Port Slnsuuo: John Pinney. Chandler Young, Florida; Lourh, Min. Ie l.ourh anil aervt, 1 exas Oliver. John Finch.

Holly Springs Rev Gillett. Perry and lativ. iioicoinn. miss iioicomu. Joshua 1 erry.

Perry. Texas; Fisher, Nashville 11 Cleveland. Sherman. Mobile. ARCADE HOTEL Doon.

Jasper. Texas II MiHirr. ess. lexas; r. Jaser.

lexns; Blanks, arrna. Columbia. La: Beardslev. Beardslev. Elkhart.

La; Longritt. Leonaul. Pointe Coupee Jefferson. Texas VanCleve, New York ourt. St Mo: Whither.

O. II McArthur. Diileny. Miss; Briger. Caldwell, La Kfie fort Stnltn.

AH, a arren. Bavnu uroase Tete: TrnmbuM. Bayou Sara: Chas Sand. Liberty. Texas eii.

KaiUin. coiiimnus. ui aunus. Jetler son. Texas Buford.

DeSoto Miss; Lewis Burnett, uraona county, lexas: nadger. Jac.snn. La: A Wads worth, Matagorda A Tucker, Tho. Waddell. Caddo, I.s Dooglass.

Haynes. Texas; Cuning ham, Ga; John Carte Kilgore. II Nor ton. John Henderson. Smith Buckler.

Frank linton. La; Trumble and servant, Ala; Scott. Waco. Texas: Lawrence. Texas Cox.

JrrJer son. Texas: Hendricks. VV II Watson. Downs. liolden.

Elvsian rie da. Texas: Pittie. Balize: 1 fllillliain. Texas; 11 Armstrong. Va; A Hunet, i.

full ii. i i niiisiunu, Harris; rviiOL aisinii. nauiues. lemDtii. Lesves on WEDN F.SDAY.

nh at 5 P. M. REGULAR MEMPHIS WEDNESDAY ttff Packet For Mmphis. Helena. Napoleon, ijiAGreenviUe.

and all the landinaa in the leuiis lue new regular passenger packet steamer IN GOMAR, L. MrDonough. master, will leave for the above places as above. For freight or passage apply on board, or to apti GEO. W.

SHAW A Poydrasst. IdT Tbe Ingoniar will take freight for Nashville, with the privilege of reshipment at Memphis on the Nash ville and Memphis packets John G. Ciine, John Simpson. i i Leaves on TI ESDa the at 5 P. M.

NEW ARRANGEMENT FOR WK For Memphis he regular alternate Tuesdnv i packet BELFAST The new. light draught ami spieudid passenger packet steamer ELFA ST, George Taylor, master, will leave on her next trip a. above, for Memphis, Helena, Delta, friars Point, Napoleon. Gaines's Lauding, lommoia, ureen vine. Kentucky Bend, Lake Providence.

Vickshurg aud all the bends. For freight nr passage, having fine accommodations, spply on board, or to i. r. i o.i ai i at v. rront street.

The Belfast will remain In the trade the entire sea. sou, and particular attention given to all way and planta tion uuBiuesa. The Belfast will take nassensers and freio ht for St Louis. Louisville. Cincinnati, and Nashville, conneetinr Mb luriuiwia nim ib tru iur luose piacea.

ap il Leaves on TU ESDA Y. the wth at ft p. M. "5. Ew ARRANGEMENT FOR lnfrf For mi A fcJ Tri eftlllhlS Ihe rem nr Tiim.h 1 UCI ACT 1 1 1 I i OWKvi ur.t.rOA lilt urtt.nxut arSUKIll lassenrer backet steamer kki.kast Itmim Taylor master, will leave on ber next trip as above, for aiempms, neiena.

ueita, rnar spotnt. tsapoieon. tialnes Landing. Columbia. Greenville Kentucky Bend, Lake Providence.

Vicksburg. and all the Benda. For freiaht or passage, having hue apply on board, or CD j. r. JLi.r.,1, is roydras street.

'The Belfast will remain in the trade tbe entire season wsuuu given 10 aii way ana plantation VIUIIITH. tu Tlte Belfast will take oasaenrera and freleht nr Rt Louisville. Cincinnati, and N'aAhville. ronnectin at niempm. wito packers lor tnnse places.

ap4 Leaves on WEDNESDAY, nth at ft P. KKUULAR MEMPHIS EDNESDAY I'm et nr Mtmnh i Helena N.iImi. iGreenvllle. aud all landings in the Bends new regular Dasseneer packet steamer INfinM A McDonougb, master, will leave as above. For freight linwagr nu, or to aivH JOHN E.

HYl'K ft B6 Povdras St. taaVThe Ingomar will take freisht for Nashville, with the privilege of reshipmrnt at Memphis on tbe Nashville ana packets joun u. cuue, John Simpson, City ui iiuiiikviur sun r.uiLMwy. Leaves on WEDNESDAY, th at 6 P. M.

FOR MEMPHIS. HELENA. NAPO 'leon. Greenville and all intermediate land lings The new and fast running steamer ivicuouousn. master, win ve st stisve for freight or passage apply on board, or to ep i ti r.

a. 1 rl 1 2 New l.evee. tsF The Memphis packet Inromir ia now at the font of srreer. ready to receive freight. Jtayoa Bartholomew.

IMlKPK.vliENT LINE. Leaves on TUESDAY, the 8'h at SP.M. FOR BAYOU BARTHOLOMEW. Point Pleasant. Alabama Landing.

Month D'Arbonne. Trenton. Monroe. Colombia. Trinity, and all intermediate lanHinn Tk.

light draught and swift running passenger packet steamer cvE.Lt Biir.n.j.' w. nioore. master, will leave as aoova For freight or nasssge applv oa board, font of Hipn.iu. trert, or to BRO. W.

USE, gl Tchonpltonlss st to New lurk' Iwtuti.l.ivi. 0NITED STATES MAIL LINE The new and anletviu miAm. wurei Hrsiiuuius KNOXVILLE, lftoototu Capt C. T.

Lndlow. AUGUSTA, IMio Tboa. Lyon, VI 1UI1IA l. fe a "vvk vapt. m.

9. vvooonau. ALABAMA, Capt. O. R.

Scbenck, will cavs Savannah every WEDNESDAY and 8ATUR uai. These ships are amona the 1 arrest on the const, ansnr Psssed in speed, safety or comfort making their pasmagea hfty to sixtv hours, and are commanded by skillful. wtiui nun puuie omceraw riavtiig eieaauv i air room accommodations, they otter a most desirable conveyance to new lora. Cabin A26 Steerage Passage 8 A genu, PADELFORD. FAY ft Savannah, SAM'L L.

MITCHELL. 13 Broadway, Mew York. June SO. txfift Jeftir Mobile HtramnhlD CommiT. run a vjinA Aiiu rvrw yotlfV Mobile Steamship Company Tbe new and ntfast side wheel steamshin UDAKER CITY.

W. Sbnfeldt, commander, will. nail fr imwKew York for Mobile nn the let dav of ADril rflrar. nasnttvelv and there after will sail from Mobile on the lo4Vand from Mew York U1S IB. ui tici HI 11 II u.

nates or rassage Between Mobile and New York $60 00 Between Mobile and Havana 30 00 Excursion tickets between Mobile and Havana, gooo ior tne return inp 40 go I or ireignt or passage appiy to DORRANCE ft SONS, Agents, corner of St. Louis and Water streefV Mnult ST Passengers for Havana must procure passports from the Spanish ConsoL UT Shippers can obtain the steamerl bills of lading from the lt.nU, nnn ntk.r art II .1 USUUlg UVUt nstsiiB mAHUOAUA ft Matanzas JENKS ft XImT NO. CK, Agenta. New York SMITH ft Patdici For farther information, appiy to CALX! WELL ft CO Bank Place. Joha Crass.

Fl ra HOTARI PlTiTl.IC, no. eg Gravier street, ap stairs, between Magazine aae i iu uricsna I LA IMS aaalnat the rt.ltA at 1M. t'Y 0,, ans to Soldiers. Wagoo, and Teamstera and Sailors and Clerks of th. nftTT.

Wlksft hxa.trs I fail a oca iw), as weu as to taerr widows and minor childrcn. zoade out and promptly obtained. Ail who bay 40 or acrea an aw anUtled to laoar ap acres anditioaaL J' eata pries paid for Und Warranta and loL UWClatma Jyai iy VV ft Cemaalssdoo MsrcAaats, New lark "Ml'1 I CrTlT3 A TM A riij I nri i .1 a 1 1 1 a rr, BIblle and Lake Psu Uetsi. fraaaaa roK MOBILE. DIRECT DAILY Ra MAIL LINE Winter Arrangement.

splendid low nreasnre packet steamet a CUBA, a. A. Heirn. master. FLORIDA.

W. H. Hntch inga master, and CALIFORNIA, A. L. Myers, master, baring bttn built ezDresalv for th Lake trade, with so.

perior accommodinn rin. hn ruimni will icate me i.sittnd of the Pontchartraln Railroad UA1LI on the arrival of the 4 o'clock P. M. cars. Returning, wT "Iv'0111' on Monday and Thursday evening.

D5k .7 1 lfw Oriels. Novenfbgr0.0"1'"'', REGULAR COVINGTON STEAMER. nir low pressure und 'er UNITED STATES, a AVrtiii mas. ter.Traves for Covington, Mandeville.

Lewisbnra and .1 1 1 1 f.u From Jefferson Railroad. From Pontchartraln Rallr'd. Tuesdays 8. 20 A. M.

train. Thursdays. 8:20 neaoays 10 A. M. train.

nurnnays 1(1 Saturdays 12 M. 10:20 Returning, leaves Covington on Mondays. Wednesday. auu nuays. at cioca a.

siritui ume lor tne o'clock train. assr meals, 80 cents. Tt ly Alabama Kiver. iinvmv .1 .1. 1 as an i Vu niii.i ir mc (ui 1 11a i.

nv FOR MONTGOMERY AND WETUMP 'ka The entirely new. lirht drausht Dassen, ler steamer MONTGOMERY. Joseph L. iarris. master, will leave as above, for Wetumnka.

and all landings on tue Aiaoama Kiver. For Ireignt or passage oaving nne accommodations, apply on board, or to anH JOHN E. HYDE A CO fiti Povdras street. tsThe Montgomery is now receiving freight, at the rtaiiroao uepur. iivon circle, in place ol tne rew xtasin owing co low waier.

Leaves every EDN KS1IA at tr. KEUULAK. WEDNESDAY EVENING Dacket For Montaomerv and etnmnka. Tbe fine fast running new steamer COOSA Ueorge W. Cloodis.

master, will leave for tbe above and all Intermediate landings as above. For freight or passage apply on ooaro. or ts MONTGOMERY ft RUTLAND, Agents. 93 Commerce and 92 Front streets. MoMle.

KsT The Coosa Belle has been built expressly for the above trade, and for speed and comfort is unsurpassed by any ooac on toe river. rm am Obi Kiver. Leaves on TUESDAY, the 8th inst. at 5 P. FOR CINCINNATI.

LODISVn4E Madison, and all intermediate landimrs I The fine fast running passenger steamer i.islu j. j. mcuiii. master, will leave above. For freight or passage apply on board, or to ap6 ROGER8.

McGClRE ft CO. 12 Poydraa at. Leaves on MONDAY, the 7tb at 6 P. M. (UK CINCINNATI The hne.

ran 'ning psssrnger steamer UUEEN OF THE WEST. Richard Wade, master, will leave tor the above and all intermediate landings, as above or ireignt or passage apply on ooaro, or IO apg ROGERS. McGClRE A 12 Poydrasst. Leaves on MONDAY, the 7th at 6 P. M.

FOR LOUISVILLE The fine regular 'passenger packet ROBT. J. WARD, Silas iF Miller it, mill rni.ill and ail the intermediate' landings, as above. For freight or passage apply on ooara. or to BETTERTON ft RF.EFTE.

ix Trhocpitoulas street, or BELL, BUCHANAN ft ap4 Magazine street. UW A plan of tbe cabin csn be seen and state rooms se cared by" applying to Betterton ft Reetf 29 TchoupiUralas street. Leaves on MONDAY, the 7th inst. at 5 P. M.

fT 5 sw FOR CINCINNATI. MADISON AND ii4V jjlT I nninrillr The superior, entirely new a vis Mi freight steamer CRESCENT. W. L. Holmes, master, will leave for Cincinnati, and all inter mediate landings, as above.

For freight only apply on board, or to ap4 if JOHN E. HYDE ft Povdras street. Leaves on MON DA Y. ihe 71 at ft M. FOR CINCIN NATI The fine regular pas senger steamer UUEEN OK THE EST.

Ricoard M. Wade, master, will leave for nati, and all intermediate landings, as above. For freight or passage app.y on board, oi to i r. i ui, a rorimn. Leaves on MONDAY, the 7th at 5 P.

M. FOR LOUISVILLE The fine regalar trt passenger packet litu 1 I A. ehs. mas will leave for Louisville and all Inier iiue as above. For fre'sbt or passage applv on ooaiu.

or io apt BELL. BUCHAN AN ft CO. Magazine st. gisV A plan of tbe cabin can be seen and state room, se cured hy applying to tbe agents. I STEAMER ROBT.

J. WARD, Capt. Silas F. Miller. tfS FOR LOUI8VILLE This well known fJiMt? passenger packet will leave for tbe above i TrW port and all intermediate landings, through out ihe seasen, as follows Leaves Nes Orleans WEDNESDAY.

April 22, at 5 P. M. Leaves New Orleans SATURDAY. Mav loth, at P. M.

Leaves New Orleans TUESDAY. May it7ih. at 8 P. M. Leaves New Orleans FRIDAY.

June i3tn. at 5 P. New Orleans MONDAY. June 3otb. at 5 M.

Leaves New Orleans EDNESDAY, July Ifi, at ft M. N. B. Passengers can DEPEND on this steamer leav ing as advertised. se ro state room considered engaged onti! psid for.

A plan of tbe cabin can be seen, and state room, secured tor any of the above triis by arplyirg to the agents. BE IU Ext ION ft apt 29 Tchoupitoulas street. STEAMER FXLIPSE, Capt Sturgeon. FOR LOUIS 1LLE This msgnifirent passenger steamer will leave for the above and all intermediate landinaa turoushout uc season, as follows Leave. New Orleans April io, at 5 o'clock P.

M. Leaves New Orleans May tt. at 5 o'clock P. M. Leaves New Orleans May S3, at 5 o'clock P.

M. Leaves New Orleans June 9, at 5 o'clock P. M. Leaves New Orleans June 25, st 5 o'clock P. M.

Leaves New Orleans July 11, at 5 o'clock P. M. fjsV State roents can be secured bv applying to BELL, BUCHANAN A apr 5 Magazine street. Leaves on MON DAY. the 7th at 6 P.

M. FOR LOUISVILLE. EVANSV1LLE, 'Henderson, Mount Vernon, Shawneetown, Southland. Paducab. and all intermediate landings The magnificent and swift running steamer VIRGINIA.

C. V. master, is now in port receiving freisht. and will leave as aoove. For freiirht or nassase.

having fine accommodations, apply on board, or to apt joh. hide; a Poydraa st. if A olan of the cabin can be seen and state rooms se cured by applying to Leaves on or about SATURDAY. at op. FOB.

LOUISVILLE The fine regular 1 passenger packet DAVID WHITE, A. Mc Ci ill. master, will leave for Louisville and all intermediate landings as above. For freight or passage ap ply on board or to apz BELL, BUCHANAN ft CO. 9 magazine St.

Siaf" A p'an of the cabin can be seen and state rooms se cured by applying to the agents. Leaves on TUESDAY, tbe nth at 5 P. M. FOR LOUISVILLE The hne regular 'passenger packet MAGNOLIA, St. Clair iThomasann.

master, will leave for Louisville and ail tuieruiediate landings as above. For freight or pas sage apply on ooara. or to l. siili E. Si common streer, or BELL.

BUCHANAN ft 5 Magazine St. A olan of the cabin can be seen and state rooms se cured by applying to Sbute, 24 Common street, apt Leaves on or about EDNESDAY, April 5 P. M. FOR LOUISVILLE The nne resuiar passenger packet tmrtttss oneerer. mas iter, will leave fur Louisville and all inter mediate landings, as above.

For freisht or duuc armlv BELL. BUCHANAN ft Wi Maa axine at. A plan of the cabin can be seen and state rooms se curer! oy applying to the agents. mh tl Leaves on TUESDAY, the 15th April, at ft P. M.

tun LOUlSViLLr The fine resuiar 'passenger packet JAMES MONTGOME 1 KY. Sansl. Montgomery, master, will leave for Louisville aud all intermediate landinn. as above. For ireignt or passage apply en board, or to, BUCHANAN ft mho ufi Magazine st.

SsV A plan of the cabin can be seen and state mnmi se cored by applying to the agents Leaves on or SATURDAY. April at 6 F. II tun LOUISVILLE The hne regular vtrV4 1 1 passenger packet A. L. SHOT WELL.

n. IL. El'lott. master, will leave for I.oiitavlllr and au intermediate landings as above. For freighter pas aac mVVl3 uvsiu, or to BELL, BUCHANAN ft mh27 IT 96 Masiaxine st Kf A dan of the rabln can he seen anil rnnm cured oy applying tS thc agents.

Leaves pnTUESDAY. April nth. at ft P. M. FOR LOUISVILLE The line rrsulsr tvia.

eusjvr pw set nisuAOA, Marry 1. BpOttS, I master, will leave fur LsMilavill mnA 1 1 in. termeoiatelandlngaj as above. For freight or passage ap .1. 1...

I A 1 OLiili, SULOAiSAn A uiu.1 Oft CsF A Blaa anfthw rahin ran ke mr.A uy applying to tne agent a NewOrleans and Cairo Dally HHall Line. v3w sa xue pacaets carrying tne mans between LJ fcSeJNew Orleans and Cairo will leave either mSsT' every day at fi o'clock P. and will sw tw. uie loiiuwuig miu stations going npr Baton Rouae. Gainea.

Landing. Natchez, Vicksburg, Lake Providence, Grand Lake. Point Worthington, Greenville, Columbia, Napoleon, Helena. Memphis, Randolph, New Madrid, Hickman, Columbus, Cairo. Coming down will stop at the same places, terminating at vii irniw.

Freight will be taken for anv of these nnlnta am) CUt mi SUJ rVUII. AB.iLtt L. HAINES. Agent, tf to Commercial lace Arkfinnaa Kiver. Leaves on Tl'ESDAY, the 8th in t.

at 5 P. M. FOR ARKANSAS RIVER For Foit Smith, Van Buren, Little Rock, Pine Blurts. Napoleon, Greenville, and all intemie l.i.'e lauuiiij landings he superior, light draught passenger eteamt i MOSES GREEN WOOD. Albert Thomas, master, I cave aa aoove.

or ireignt or passage apply oo ooaro nihil to LEW IS SNAPP ft 37 Front street Leaves on MONDAY, the Tth at 6 P. FOR ARKANSAS Rl VER Regular Ar River Packet Th. ning passenger Dacket itnni.r pn iphu 1 1 AftiilAn mtstr ill 1 Btuen. Ozark. Norriattwn.

Dtu daneti 1.1 i Rock. Pine Bluffs, and alllntermedi.t. Jj.l. aasver. a.

above. For freigh, or ps age sppyon board; sa The Pelican will take frelgat for alMhe'iSnda Cumberland Hirer. Leaves on MONDAY, the 7th inttt mt v. CLARK8VILLE, Lo'isiTEddyville. Trice's Landins and all landing leave as above.

For freisht or passage apply on board' ar aps ROGER8, McGUIRE ft Poydrss st. Tennessee Ulrer. Leaves on TUESDAY. th th inst. At at TENNESSEE RIVER The fine Imif'ilJ fast running steamer EA8TPORT.

riniai tan aa, Harrison, master, leaves aa ahot Krt. Florence and Tuscnmbia. For freight or ving very superior accommodations timlv 1 LEWIS SNAPP ft 37 rrorirVtreet StfThe Eaati ort taken ii Helena,, NMan'ridcauTp vtlle and all l.nriln. mlrot radacab, NasB vs "rrj alternate WEDNE8DAT. FOR THE ATTHiril Tii iruvii Bfrytm des Glaise, Bavoa Boogc, and .) all intermediate land iaea'fhltht dmi.

AiOU BELLE. D. Glaaaxock. trisaW. clerk, will apply Board, or to H.

en.LT. lg Exchange Baa: ales nsrarlea. ft 'IVE VERY SUPERIOR VVW iTTLB ZTBCGGIF8, mads by Minor St.rens. New kl Th ttntfltM SM IMll tA nr i for this market, and ar of the best material, an wo Xney WUI oa sold low to close consignment, by XODI ISO Caual Th IJpDr liwlajiilDvl Leaves on TUESDAY, the 8th inst a passensrer steamer L. i He mxm N.

Bo finger, master, will lean ir.tT.Josa aud alt intermediate points, as above. Far sos sage apply on board. Oct. fWsTa? apH O. M.

WHTTE. Ttl Leaves on TUESDAY, the Hlh inst at sTTr IU. l. LUU IS. CAIRn 1 de new and elegant rmase 1 A steamer L.

M. KEN KTTJl, fiZ 'lie new .1..... er, master, will leave as above. For freisht 2 aving splendid accommodations, apply rssAn apS C. T.

BUDDECKE ft .1 Leaves on TUESDAY, the Kth inst. tT7J REGULAR ST. LOUIS FaU A ANETT. Bofinger. masteTwiu at.

aud aii intr mediate landxiiga, as aboYaB or paMafe apply on board, or to apti BELL. BUCHANAN ft Leaves on MONDAY, the Tth inst Er15i REGULAR ST. LOClS VackW 'teamer rl :7, iw. ai. underwood, master wm i intermediate landings as abovaT or passage apply on board, or to iv on ooara.

or to a BELL, BUCHANAN ft Co aps Laaves on TUESDAY, tbe ath inst. r.anfl 1 uie qui inst. at A REGULAR 8T. LOU18 Fac! TON Wmirar "22 for the suite and intermediate landings as'sii. freight or passage apply on hoard, or ts) Isr ap5 BELL.

BUCHANAN ft CO ijnvttnn TiTi'fcniv u.u 1 aen t.A FOR ST. LOUIS LOUIS, ALTON AVTIrr Sirect, LaSalle, master. Is now noi. Kiver, oirect, Tbe new, elegant niicsiun is now in 1 ing freight, and will leave as above vJ? Ten." sage apuly on board or to unIutsrA aps JOHN E.

HYDE ft sa met at run. 01. tiOUia, AX.T0' 4 Illinois River, as well si 3 aiandloss The good light drioiht TfcPli anT; Jackson, master, win U.1?' eame freigbt or passage apply to aoove. Fjr ap4 SHANNON MOFPTTT if IsTTht fine steamer ATLANTA. RMen, uccted the and leave on or about SATTforrrS1? the 5th at 5 P.

M. 1 Leaves on MONDAY, th vth inst. at 5 a. t. ox.

iiui.1. AIjRTnl uue iciiwi iwruicr Lwcsei OhLEA' I Dursrk. master, will leave for th all ifiteruieilianB landmen aa ahnve lair anolv on board, or to rv or a pi i nr.Lli, sutHAnsn at 9n Msgathw Leaves on MONDAY, tc Tth at4 si run, ba. LUU 10, UAltlU AMI rv phis The new and light draugtt ftj ning regular passenger steamer 0RI i. JoUu Moiioy, master, is now receiving freight, aai aT Irave aa above.

For freight or passage apply sn ansni to O. M. WHITE. 63 rnBtma. Red itlver.

Leaves on MONDAY, the Tth Inst. tF.M. FOR SHREVEPORT. GlLASiri ntn. Grand Ecore, aud Alexandria ThiJnlZZL and running steamer C.

HAYS riaut. luaater. will leave for the above and all i ate landings, as above. For freight or fssstsi tJZZ'. board, or to apn Lx vi ia sasrr st st Frmt srrert.

bar The steamer C. Hays will not be reraensibi bills contracted on her account, unless by order ol i' rspisID or C1US, suu ur wu pmcuirii artDetirnew maue. vt atirHr, Leave, on MONDAY. 7th inst. at P.

r. KtULLAU RED RIVER FACL. 1 For Jefferson. Smith land Rem Caddo. Albany.

Swansoa'a f.n,i.' 111 spo t. a 11 re ve port, ii ran a tSByoa.campte.Grn Alexandria, Gorton's. Barbin's, and alt iotermeu Inns The vervliaht drauaht aunerioe Iip ri steamer LEONA. B. W.

ivirsoloin. master. the above pons as above. For freight or psatfrr hne accommodations, apply on board, or to 1 apt JUL niALLETT. Fmrt KaTThe Leona Is now ready to vweelv foot of Bienville street, and Wiu.

give throorh fc. to Jefferson. iiiu.inai. mc REGULAR RED PACSE riirjrurnun ana an lanainra oa Late Shreveport. Grant Bt Ciimi E.

ore ana Alexandria The new. very drsnrrrt ij fast running steamer LEONA, B. W. KJoaotoiD lusstrt will lrave as a have. For freight or passage, baring exti lent accommodationSj apply on board, or to arn n.

naiaiun ac uu 4 Lafayette street. The Leona will take freieht for ahAv tKe privilege nf reahipping. INDEPENDENT LINE. Leaveson MON DAY. the Tth at IT.

Be av REGULAR JEFFERSON PACKET tyfroe JeBerson," Smithland, BentoafFait ii sk Caddo, Albany, Swanson's and Hoc auuiuits. siireveoort. Grand Bavoa. Cmimt. Ecore, Alexandria, Gorton's, and all taterme 1 mgs The new, light (M inches) steamer LEC Kinsoloin.

master, will leave for the above as freight or passage, having superior accommodAUus, spa on board, loot of Bienville street, or to apii GEO. W. MUSE. 81 Tchotjpltwolsa street; Leaves on MONDAY, the Tth at if, IS. run JEFFERSON, (Texas.) AND TS rtermediate Lake landinea The yen Beit jecaadraogot steamer LONE STAR, J.

irruu, i ra boe For frght or passage topf i an aster ou board, foot of Bienville street. Leaveaon SATURDAY, tbe lath m.t iP run. tuuSE, ALEAANBKJI no ati interaneaiaie landing. Tne reriiat passenger steamer PIOT a P.rt.r leav. as above.

For freight or passage apply on basis 11 io n. g. aopiiiooit at lu. tut trravter tt at 1 1 Ditiivcnu Leaveson TCESDAY. the 8th at P.

M. run. orittt. trunr.uiiAHDEfV" Natchitoches. Alexandria, and all 'it: i it.

on Red River The new and fast steamer RAPIDES, J. C. Dowry, master, will leave a above. For freight or passage apply on hoard, or ts EATON ft HENDERSON, apS IT 16 Tchonpitonlss street Leaves on TUESDAY, the 8th inst. at (P.M.

a. KEIIULAK rUK.1 XUWBU.l FAUiFTV ftj7The fine fast running passenger pnH ycak Reamer B. E. CLARK. Jo.

P. Louvt, master, wnl leave for Fort Towson. Fulton, Shreveport. Grand Ecore. Grand Bayou.

Alexandria ask ton's Laudinir, and all intermediate landingson fied Rircr. as above. ir freight or passage, having superior secant modstions, app1" on board, or to aps IT LEWIS SNAPP tt FrotH street. Leaveson MONDAY, the Tth P. M.

FOR HURRICANE BLUrrs.BHEr port. Grand Buyoa. Grand Ecore. Ai" rta, Gorton's Landing, and all hrtei: ate Uu.liii;s The stesmer COMPROMISE, B. A master, will leave as above.

For freight or p. wage on board, or to IT LEWIS SNAPP ft FroDtit Caf Tbe C. will take freight for above the Ra; th privilege of reshipping, made arraag menu a the steamers White Cliffs. All da and Fanny era, ue i go through witboot detention. INDEPENDENT PEOPLE'S LINK.

Leaveson MON DAT, the 7th at 5 P. ST. FOR HURRICANE BLUFFS, 8: y'Eii'f port. Grand Bayoa, Grand Ecore, li sBA Alexandria. Gorton's, and all intern landiuKS i ne superior light draught passrnsvr 1 i tearner COMPROMISE, B.

W. Jiay, nisster, will aa above. For freight or passage apply oa board, arts apt 1T T. B. SMITH.

Sew Lev INDEPENDENT PEOPLE'S LINE Leaves on MONDAY, the 1th inst, at P. tua roalT IO HUSi fuivi. "Clarksvillo. Bhreveijort. Grand sGrand Emn.

Alevnnrfrla sad Iron I ill I If the aunerior and swifr tinnine sriwnier B. J. F. Lodwick, master, will leave ferthesaoit aud all intermediate Landings, as above. Jot freifUtt passage apply on board, or to apftjf T.

B. BMTTH. HKewLwte INDEPFNTlENT PUIPI V1 I.IVt Leaves on MON DAY. the Tth lost, at P. It 5 FOR JEFFERSON, SMITHi netLon, port Caddo, BDreveport, I Bavoa.

Grand Ecore. Alexandria. interuicoiate landinea The aaoexkir liabt drauehi senger steamer ROSA. Jos. Saliba, Blaster, will fct.i above.

For freight or passage apply oa board, er te apS T. B. SMITH, li New I Uf The Rosa will take freieht far above the i privilese of reahipping. Leaveson MONDAY, the 7th inst. st fr 5 a.

FOR LAS.E BI8TENEAC Hiram Wilson, sr. Tnit leave as above, taking freu It 1 aud Bayou. Campte', Grand Ecore St Aitt dria, and all internaedlato Landinga. fo. ii appi an board, or to ap4 J.

M. JOHNSTON" ft C0 Front Lev Lravea on MONDAY, the Tth i1.1t.. st 6 tOR JEFFERSON, ti" Benton, Port Caddo, aed all it landings on the Lakes. Ehrevt 1. ou, cauipte.

Urand Ecore. St Maurice, Gorton's, and all intermediate Ian dings on th nrr swift running steamer ROSA, Jos. bsliba, 1 leave as above. For freight or passage apply oa ap4 LEW IS SNAP? ft CO, JJ nxu svar The Rosa will take freight for Fort an 5 arKtve. with nrivilesetf atoring and reshipahis.

INDEPEMIENT PEOPLE'8 ti Leaves on TUESDAY, tbe 8tb rLI. REGULAR BED RIVil AjrrJ. ST. CHARLES For Jrttert do, Shreveport. Grand Bsvdq.

Ecoiv er. aud Alexandria. The elegant and swift steamer ST. CHARLES, Samuel Appier leave as above. For freight or passef apl to T.

B. BBtUIn. ssT The steamer St. Charles will pay no i On her account, nnlesa av nn Arder front erk. 8AML.

APf r.o 1 ueaveaon TCEaOAY. Aoril eta.s r. FOR EFFERSON. bvk. Benton, Port Caddo, Albaay, 4 Grand Bavoa.

Grand Ecsre, I all intermediate landinsm. Th sspen stentnee ST II IJ I a 1...... aiMtcr. 11 as above. tsT The aten Towson and Upper Red River, with the pri" The steamer St.

Charles will par no bilk on ber account unless, by aa order from clerk. 8AML. ArVrXi llliaolst Hirer. Leaves on TUESDAY, the trtb at rutf, ILLINOIS iuit, Peoria. Naples.

Alton, St. Louif termediate landinsw Tbefiae. I si DELAWARE, McMunry. msnter.wiu ready to receive freight on Saturday sftertwoas leave as above. For freight or passage apply sos.

ap r. Ouaehlui Ktrer. Leaveaon MONDAY, the Tth inst. rr REGULAR ODiCHilArsvu splendid fast running, pawrae steamer S. STAC Leal Mo? eovea for Cjuuden.

Reeeh Jlilta. Saline, Pigeon Hills, Trenton, Monroe, loiub. souhurg, and all Intermediate landings, ireignt or passage apply on boom, or to apft LEWIS SNAPP ft. CO ST Leaves ot. TUESDAY, the th lnt.

REGULAR 7 The splendid, faatronniag er D. 8. STACY, Moore, msster. i' imxtrua Landina. Ouachita City, mooia ar tholomew and d'Arhonne, Marie Saline.

Trentsn. uaiamota. Pine Blurts, Harriaonburg. ana su For freight or pssssgf ks at. iis oa iMuua.

nBstinxvuinuai apo or lo 1. nf. sauin. LeaTta Sf NDA Y. be 8tb fc, FOR OSSE TElVVLter 1 TOPELOrs s.

W. C. Neal, fnater. leave as abov e. Far freight or ou rxutrdor to arm M.

JORNSTOV ft FrontLevf, xtr frit I. JB escellent light aranru. 7l COBB. eight months lints m.111 tun alnVOt 1 loThue rtioBin. snw 'sni well saawd tsveveo For freight or passsee apply on be LKWIS SNAP il mer Rt h.J nrlll take fr' ti po tan I NAPP Front strcft ''A.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.